Chapter 7

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"Mr. Shadow, can I look now?" I questioned, blinded by a blind fold. "Not quite yet." He purred. "You're talking foreveeeeeeer." I whined, growing impatient. "It's gotta be perfect Silvy, just be patient for me." He purred once more, clearly pouring something. I listened to a glass be set down before his steps stood before me. He untied the blind fold, blocking my vision with his body now. "What is it? I wanna see the surprise!" I pouted, watching him chuckle. "Of course of course." He chuckled out, stepping out of my view and gesturing to the surprise. It was a large tub filled with warm water and rose petals. The water was a pink color most likely from a bath bomb, smelling like roses and vanilla. I looked to the side of it where a table stood holding wine and some more friendly drinks like juices and soda's. "I nearly forgot your underaged so drinking isn't legal for you, so I grabbed some extras for you. But I won't tell if you do consume any alcoholic substances." He joked, causing me to giggle. "Now c'mon in, we shouldn't let the water get cold." He purred, kissing me on the forehead. I nodded, both of us surprisingly turning away from each other to strip. My face reddened, realizing I would finally see him undressed outside of my art. I took his hand when done, stepping into the tub with him. I couldn't bring myself to look down from his face, already feeling warm in the face just at the thought.

He sat me in front of him, wrapping his arms around me as he laid my back to his chest. I internally pouted at the fact I couldn't see his face, but snuggled into him anyways. "Which drink would you like?" He questioned, reaching over for the glasses. "What's in the mini fridge under the table?" I quickly asked, noticing the little cool box. "Oh, just random things. If you can reach it, you can look in it if you'd like. It's most likely just alcohol." He explained. I reached over the tub, opening it to examine the contents. He wasn't wrong, there was quite a lot of alcohol. My eyes lit up seeing little bottles of my favorite drink. Chocolate milk. I quickly snatched one without a second thought, closing the little fridge and returning to my snuggle spot. "Now here I thought you couldn't be anymore precious." He chuckled, watching my face fill with joy. My tail wagged like a dog as my ears twitched, unable to contain the energy of my happiness. "I wouldn't wait too long, that stuff tastes horrible when it's too warm love." He chuckled while pouring wine into a fancy glass. I nodded, wasting no time to chug half the little container.

I let out a pleased gasp after the half chug, feeling pure relief. "Favorite?" He questioned. "Mhm, very! It's too good not to be." I cheered, trying not to kick my legs in excitement. "I'll have to buy you some more then, especially if it makes you this happy." He laughed. "You have a lot of alcohol, alcoholic or something?" I joked at the end, turning enough to see his face. "Haha, not yet no. I just like the taste, especially wine." He answered, sipping the glass. "Sounds like an alcoholic to me." I teased, leaning closer against him to better see his face from my position. "It's like I drink daily! Just every two or three weeks... Sometimes every week...... Depends the month." He defended, clearly struggling to figure out an estimate. I merely laughed, enjoying being the upper gun for once. "You know....... You didn't have to do this little surprise." I spoke up after a bit of silence, turning my attention away from his face and down to my jug. "Nothing special is on today."

He stayed quiet for a bit, thinking over his words. "Silvy, a day doesn't have to be special to be treated special. Like.....A birthday is only ever special when you actually celebrate it..... Just now, this very day will hold this memory now for as long as you wish it to." He comforted, setting his glass down to rewrap his arms around me. "And, every day I get to spend time with you is already special enough..... This is simply just me giving you the best holiday break I can give." He chuckled, nuzzling into the back of my shoulder. ".....Well.... Thank you..." I smiled, enjoying this comforting feeling in my chest. "Silvy........ May I call you nicknames? When it's just the two of us?" He questioned after a good long moment of silence, my head turning just enough to see his face in my peripheral vision. "Depends on the nickname." I answered, honestly worried about the nicknames he wanted to use. "......hmmm...... Sugar butt?" He joked.
"No!" I giggled, sounding offended. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, don't worry. How aboooout.... Cotton ball?" He suggested. "That doesn't make much sense, especially since I'm grey, not white." I corrected. "Alright, um... Marshmallow? After all, you are quite sugary sweet." He teased. "Too many people use that, not special enough."

"Well sooooorry princess." He joked, both of us laughing. "Maple?" He asked. "Sonic like's to call me that sometimes, so it seems weird." I sighed. "Sugar?" My heart stopped, tensing immediately at the nickname. "Definitely not...." I muttered, his arms tightening. "Sorry, is that a trigger name?" He softly asked, rubbing my belly under the water with one hand. I nodded, turning sideways in the tub to nuzzle his surprisingly still dry little patch of fur. "Then I'll never use that, apologies." His free hand ran through my longer quills, trying to calm me. "You're fine... Just keep thinking of something ok?" I tried to lighten up, not wanting the thought of him crossing my mind. "Very well..... Sunshine?" He suggested.
"Why sunshine?"
"Well, you brighten up my day everytime you smile so I figured it would fit." He cooed, sounding like some romance novel love interest. "Is that the only reason?" I teased. "Oh not at all. While your smile makes my day yes, your eyes play the heaviest key. Their gold just like the sun, bright and full of life. I could stare into them for hours. Honestly, they're my favorite feature of yours. Not to mention your warmth and full of positivity, it just always melts my heart away." My heart fluttered at the words, not expecting any of it. "....Sunshine sounds nice." I smiled, not wanting to refuse it now. "Then you'll be my little sunshine from here on out." He smiled, planting kisses onto my cheek. "Can I give you a nickname?" I questioned, eager to see the exchange. "Hmmm... I doubt you'll like your options." He purred, making it fully clear what they may be. "I'm willing to see." I spoke with confidence, even though I really wasn't gonna be able to handle it.

"You can call me your stallion, master, sir, Mustang, or daddy if you'd like." He purred. "What if I called you monster as well?" I purred right back. "Monster?....Add beast to that list and you have a deal." He swooned, nuzzling into my neck. Score for me!

Now this holiday is really gonna be fun~.

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