Chapter 5

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Rouge took my arm and pulled me to the back room, turning on his little machine as we rummaged through his many little cups. "Guess you're not into coffee, so what about hot cocoa?" She asked as she looked through every little flavor. I nodded rapidly earning a laugh from those perfectly covered lipsticked lips.

She started brewing as we continued to look around. Shadow didn't seem to mind so I figured so would I. "Hey, are you the one who did the painting of him?" She asked me out of nowhere, her face buried in a box filled with little items he used during lectures. "Yeah, I was just painting one day and ended up painting him. He's really fun to paint honestly, I have more of him but I gave him the best one." I responded, leaning onto the little table no longer interested in his stuff.

"I'd love to see more of them, you're really good. I've always wanted to do something artistic but it ended up looking like Shadow every morning." She laughed. "I don't look that bad!" Shadow yelled from his desk, clearly over hearing us. She laughed her heart out, clearly enjoying his reaction. I merely smiled, honestly disagreeing. In the mornings, he honestly looks hot in a way. The way his quills are limp and everywhere, the way his shirt is always a mess, the way his eyes are always narrowed like they're filled with passion and lust, the way his voice is scruffed and deeper, not to mention when he runs his hands through his quills as he stretches those wonderful muscles.

My heart went wild at the thought, my stomach swirling thinking of him looming over me looking like that. "Silver, we gotta go soon." His voice interrupted my thoughts, causing me to jump. I quickly gave a stuttered 'alright' and quickly got my things to be ready. He picked up his bags and put anything else where they'd be safe. Rouge made her way out first to head back home, since she had other places to be at the moment. He put a hand on my shoulder as he led me out to the back of the school. My quills lightly lifted, but not in distress, more like bliss from his touch.

He led me to his car, taking my bags for me to put them into the trunk. Slipping in I waited patiently till he got into the driver's seat. I snuggled into the seat while we began to move, enjoying the nice smell from the car. It smelled like it was new, but there was no way it really was. I watched his hands glide over the wheel with only one hand, focused greatly on the road. I let my mind take over again, drifting into a daydream since he was too focused to talk.


His hand moved over, grasping my thigh tight as his eyes remained forward. My stomach fluttering, I watched as his hand slid up. It made it's way to my pant line, fiddling with it but not yet removing. His hand slid over, sliding under my pants to get between my legs causing me to jerk. His hand began to rub, causing me to whimper and whine in pleasure. My body scrunched, but refrained from stopping his hand. He continued his movements growing faster, making my whimpers louder.


"Silver, we're here." His voice broke me from my thoughts, my face pink at the thoughts. I nodded and got out with him, quickly getting my bags from his trunk. We walked up to the modern looking house, something I didn't expect a teacher to be able to afford.

Heading in he showed me to a room so I could put my bags down. The house was nice and smelled so welcoming, this was gonna be a good break. I headed back downstairs already done with the few things I unpacked that were needed. Shadow rested on the couch, holding a small little book with a plastic cover hiding what it was. "What'cha reading?" I asked, leaning onto the back of the couch. "Not reading, more like peering over art works." His voice seemed sly, like he knew something I didn't. But what was it?

I tried to look around him but he held it down so I couldn't see. "Awww I wanna look too though." I whined, going out of my way to try and see. He sighed, gesturing to me to come to the other side of the couch. I made my way next to him, quickly being grabbed and pulled between his legs. Resting my back in his body, letting myself sink in. "You won't like it." He cooed, that sly voice peering out so silently. I merely rolled my eyes, only to quickly widen them when he opened it once more. "Curiosity got the best of me, but you're awful good at drawing me." He explained to me, chuckling slightly. I had no words, just blabbers and stutters. He continued to flip through, getting to the worst part of the book. I had drawn him well, naked. I cupped my own face, still peering through my hands. "Though I gotta ask... Just how big do you think I am?~" He purred at the end, leaning close to my ear as he spoke.

My quills stuck up, trying to figure out what to do. "A-are you going to t-tell?" I asked, shaking in the fear. "Oh no no no no, not at all. But there is something I want you to do for me." He purred again, as he began to flip through pages. He made it to a blank page as he grabbed a pencil handing it to me. "Draw like that some more, I wanna see your face when you imagine such a thing." He cooed, wrapping his arms around me making me unable to escape. I processed for a bit, calming myself to be able to keep steady. I obliged his request, sliding the lead across the paper as he watched closely. By the time I got to his chest, that familiar warm feeling came back to me. My legs tightened at every curvage I drew. I got down to the hips, stopping before going any lower. "Come on now Silver, you're not done." He purred by my ear.

                                 (The moment we all waited for, enjoy sinners, even if it's half way) 

I froze for a minute, before I began to draw lower down. I felt as his body pressed me into mine, leaning in to watch my every movement. His hands moved down to lift me up, placing me fully into his lap. My body jerked as I felt rough kisses down my neck. I let out heated breaths as I tilted my head to let him move to the sides.

His hands returned to my torso, feeling around as they so pleased. I kept trying to keep my hand steady, trying to ignore the consuming pleasure. He slid his hands down, messing with my yoga pants as he began to lick up my neck. I shifted my body upwards, giving him easy access to remove the pants. Sliding them down, I relaxed back down letting him pull them off all the way down. Honestly, this felt like a daydream. There's no way he was actually interested in me in this way. But that thought changed as I felt his teeth graze my neck, leading into a bite. I yelped, but not in pain, just mere surprise. He lifted my sweat to rest above the chest, hanging onto my chest sure that was just fluffy enough to hold it. One hand slid up my body, immediately playing with the bud.

I whimpered more, enjoying his rough warm hands giving each bud the same treatment. He bit and sucked all over my neck, wasting no time to get down to my shoulder. I leaned more closer to him, scooting my entire body to be against every inch of his. This felt too good to be true, there was no way he actually felt this way. But, those thoughts don't matter now.

His freehand slid down my garments, grasping the muscle as my body shook to the touch. He moved his hand perfectly to be able to pump with ease, earning moans from my lips. He continued his sucking and biting as he went around to the other side, tilting my head to give him access just like before. His hand pumped faster, fiddling with the tip with his finger as he did so. I curled into him, trying to cover up my weak moans as his hands went to work. Faster and faster, my legs shook at the feeling. My stomach turned and knotted as I struggled to keep myself from ending it so soon. I wanted it to last, as I fought against the urge. I had stopped the drawing, letting it fall out of my lap as I squirmed in his arms. He paid no mind as he continued his work, blowing hot air onto my neck to make me shiver. He snickered everytime, especially when he got me to jerk my body at new speeds. "Such a good boy, a very very good boy.~" He purred by my neck, his breath once more making me shiver. "Cum for me silvy, I know you're dying too.~" He continued, moving up the pace more as I struggled to keep muffled behind a hand. I did as told, letting myself finally release not even caring my garments blocked the path. His hand continued slowly until I finished, slowly sliding right out leaving me feeling lost. He licked up his hand before they went right back down to remove the garment. I squeaked, jumping in surprise. He merely laughed as he pulled my sweater back down, turning me over to lay my chest onto his stomach.

"I have no doubt you won't last this entire break." He snickered, running his fingers through my quills. "W-why do you say that?" I felt like I already knew, but asking wouldn't hurt. "Let's just say, that was barely any action of what I'm wishing to do to you.~" His voice went low, becoming seductive as he pulled me as close as he could. "Who knows, maybe you'll be Anastasia Steele© to my Christian Grey©." I tilted my head not knowing the names he spoke, but he never answered. He merely continued to practically pet me. A hand went down to rub my back as the other grasped my upper arm, gently rubbing his thumb side to side. My eyes were already heavy, but this did not help. I curled up like a toddler on their belly, enjoying his sweet smell and body warmth. Before I could fall asleep he planted a kiss on my forehead, smiling gently letting it be the last thing I saw before slumber.

(1809 words)  

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