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Willows POV

            The gray wolf seemed familiar weirdly. Like I had know him. Yes, I did find out that he was a boy. He seemed like he loved physically touch which didn't bother me as much as it should have. I mean, they aren't endangering me but they're is always that what if with Wild animals.

I was currently laying down with Wolfie. Yes, I also named him because I got tired of calling him gray wolf. He was laying next to me with his eyes closed as I stroked his his fur and drawing him.

"So Wolfie do you want to go on a walk" I asked him. He opened his eyes and nodded. We both stood up as I led the way. This summer I had found this beautiful waterfall it was a bit far but It was worth it.

We walked for until the temperature dropped and I shivered a bit. I was only in a tank top and pants because I don't change when I got home. I wrapped my arms around myself as we walked until I felt some very hot and soft fur on my arms. I looked over to see Wolfie walking right against me with his head held high looking around. I smiled and leaned into him as we walked.

We got to the very beautiful waterfall that was surrounded by forest. I sat down next to a rock near by, as well did Wolfie. I grabbed a book out of my bag and started reading it out loud for me and him.

As I was reading Wolfe suddenly stood up and started growling very load. I gasped and looked up. I saw a bear. It had its teeth out and made a sound that sounded like a roar. I slowly stood up and backing away very slowly.

Wolfie was still in front of me with his teeth Baird giving the bear a warning growl. The bears eyes went away from me and over to Wolfie who was giving it a very nasty look. I kept backing away until I was far enough away if anything happened but not too far so that if anything Wolfie I could make sure he's okay.

I went to back away a bit more but my foot fought on something which caused me to fall on my butt. I froze. Paralyzed with fear.

I looked up to see the bear had started running to me. Wolfie was quick to act by slamming into the bear with his full weight. The bear quickly got up and started roaring as he went to claw at Wolfie with his claws but was stopped by the teeth of Wolfie going into his neck. The bear had started thrashing around while Wolfe was shaking his head side to side trying to stop him.

I finally as able to move so I got up and quickly ran as fast as I could. I knew Wolfie would be alright because the bear had already looked half dead. It was pitch black so it was hard to see where I was going. I tripped and fell and hit my head on what felt like a log. I shook my head and got up and continued to run until I saw some light. I ran out of the forest and collapsed. I didn't know how long I had been running for but from the looks of it I wasn't on the reservation anymore.

I heard yelling as footsteps coming to me but I couldn't make out any words anyone was saying. I was lifted into arm and carried to what looked like an ambulance. I looked up to see a very concerned looking Jacob. I regained my full sight and hearing and looked around. I was by a house. There were police cars and a lot of people around. I looked over to see a man in a police uniform taking Bella into a house.

I looked over to see Sam was staring was there as well. He was shirtless and only wearing jeans shorts which made me look away. But before I could I saw him starting at me with concern also. Why was he concerned about me? He didn't even know me. We had only met once and that was at the bonfire a couple of months ago. After that day I didn't see him again. I turned my head back to see Jacob again.

"Hey, hey, hey willow, willow can you hear me" he's on rushed out. I nodded very slowly. I felt something wet come back my forehead. I brought my hand up to wipe whatever it was.

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