Chapter 8: blood lust

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Jennie's obsession _____________________________________________________________________________
Lisa's POV

“When I have my own ways.”she grinningly eyed  me while taking  back her hands off of my chin . I am sure it'll leave mark. Ah! it's started to fret. I massaged the place of my chin where she digged her nails to soothe the pain.watching me to do the massage her lips twitched a little bit upward with something but masking it as a pro as she is,she turned her back at me and roamed her eyes with a searching look around the room.

What is she looking for?

something big is coming. I know that look. But I'm not stupid enough to admit it that is infront of that demon again. Not at all! I just hate her. hate her presence,  her existence. Argggghhh!!

getting a hold on myself I spoke “Ya-hh~~!!!" my high pitched word come out as a mumble in the end when her eyes met mine. she glared at me like "Choose your tone wisely Manoban because you are not a in position to do so."

But not getting affected by her mere action moreover her glare makes me more angry. “What do you mean by that? & release me now jennie!"I furiously stated that & shook those chain which makes jingle sound around the room.

“Stop!!!lisa."she gritted her teeth.

“Stop getting on my nerves. Otherwise outcome Won't come good for know it right". She glared at me.

“Or what?" I scoffed. Which was a very bad move(like I care). I do want to made her mad.

“If you're thinking playing intimidated trick on me will make me release you then let me tell you, you are dead wrong. ”jennie bristled-argued

“just wait,I'll free myself.& then you will be going down.It's a promise Jennie. I challengingly told her with fury in my eyes.

“Oh! really how long! sorry but I might have to tell you. Stop keeping fake delusion.look at you, Chained, vulnerable, helpless and last but not the least you are in my mercy. which you always have to.wheather you like it or not." she declared with a mock-serious dismissal tone.

My skin around the eyes bounced after hearing her words. With a pained stare I look at her. but didn’t said anything because it's High time I needed to show it rather than speaking.

After a few minutes of silence she again speaks while looking around & rummaging through things god knows what She's searching(I know it ehe)

“You tell me. why can I do that?"( like fuvking fuck, she really wants to hear from me how she is gonna torture me to death)she really knows how to trigger me.
she questioned me back clamly not looking at me as squated down to  open one of the  drawer of the left side table lamp.

Can't she get in her thick skull no matter what she do she can't find it.

“stop fooling around. Remove this shit from me!!!"(I totally lost it) I angrily shouted at her.
But avoiding me wholely as like I'm invisible she speaks
“Why don't you do it by yourself. as you can see I'm quite busy.” she replied with a smarmy tone.

I giggled in amusement by hearing her words. she gave me a confused look by seeing my body persona change from angry to giggled face.

“& may I know which works makes our precious jennie ruby jane kim so busy” I  sarcastically asked her side tilting my head.

“Can't you see. I am looking for something.” rolling her eyes at me she sayed in uninterestedly as concentrated on her search party.

I slightly chuckled at her action which makes her halt her work. Standing up & Squinting her eyes at me she interrogated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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