Chapter 7: Satan_£rip

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Putting an end to my walk at washroom door  I  look back at lisa figure with a tight lips  who is trailing me down  cautiously with knife in her hand. Giving me a nod she encourages me to go ahead. letting  out a sigh I about to spin around thinking how long lisa will keep me captive of course untill  I confess  but  in my peripheral  vision I see lisa reach out her hand. 
“stop!!”  She speaks out. It made ponder why she interrupt me.
“What now!” I roll my eyes on her.but to ruin her mood more I come up with a plan. which is to tease her. A sweet tease.
I want to piss her more for capturing me, betraying me(having wild sex & that's infront of me)  & now living me alone she want to go to her daughter to have  fun. It's a big no!!!
“ wait. Or do you want me piss  infront of you if It's a yes then I'd love tooohh?” I again say with a flirtatious tone .   even tho anger is consuming my entire soul. but I keep a poker face all the time but now It's time to show her what Jennie Ruby Jane kim can do  .  Without giving her scope to talk I slowly  start to pull down my panty while doing the work I made sure to make eye contract with her . a smirk made it’s  ways  on my face. If she is now a  old lisa  by this time she would be gulping  hard.
But for my wonder she gives me an unamused look while raising her left  eyebrow.
“are you done with your games?” she asks  me with a straight look.
“Untill you play with me.”I deadpan . my eyes bore into her.
“I don’t  have time for your childish game.  she irritately says while averting her gaze from me  as take tiny  step  towards me & stop on her  track  a few feet away from me. she knows my love  for her is  dangerous .
“Bu-” I cut her off.
“Oo really!  Ok, then  I let it out since you're not in the mood to take rubbish. ”  I say with a hint of sneer.
“By the way from childish it reminded  me how is Ella now? Is  she recovered  from her trauma ” I pester. I internally smirk knowing that I got her which I want . and here she goes!!
“don't utter my child name  from your dirty mouth!!” she spit out  at me. Lisa's head vein are poping out.  her eyes form a chili red color. hatred are oozing out from her face. Which make me a little sad.   
“you are the reason why she's suffering. you crazy bitch !! she accuses me.
“You made my life hell!!” Lisa continues on her excessive  hatred talk .

I  softly chuckle  at her serious  state by eyes close   which is funny but at the same time hot. But Hey she is hot.

Then suddenly I gasp out for air. &  automatically  my eyes shot open. I meet with a bloodshot eyes. when she comes so close.   Is  she a vam?! but then Again it’s  not time for this.
“Li-ssa ”I  blurt out.
“I will kill you!!” Lisa threaten me. “the-n k-i-ll m-e. ta-ke re-ven-ge by kill-ing me for every-thing  I have do-ne to yo-u.” I chokingly challenge her . listening this she snap out of anger trance as if relaxation hits her.  she lessens the grip on my neck not totally removing her hand .  enlarging her eyes more in shock like what's she doing but the sooner the  expression came the sooner it fade away. a neutral face takes It's  place.

Finally getting a hold on herself she removes her hands away from my neck. I know she can't  do it. shooting me a sinister smirk she take a step backs . Why do I feel like this days lisa turning like me.

*Cough* *cough*

“But what is I  trying to say  earlier was  I have a surprise for you .” lisa announces. I snap at her while clearing  my throat.
“Wh-at sur-prise?”  I ask out in  confusion in a broken voice . the sudden change of  her behaviour  making  me more baffle. surely there is reason behind it.
“you will find out by yourself when the time will come”  lisa says while leaving me puzzle .
“Tell me what it is? I interrogate 
“I Won't.” besides, weren't you supposed to want to go washroom ?   she beckons. hearing the word “washroom” my thirst for water awake again. It was totally  slip out of mind.
“Uh-h ” I stammer.
“you're making me late.”  she point out. 
“Yah!!! you dumb . for that you have to open the door first.” I rebuke her .
“Ooo right. silly me. let me unlock the door ” she  offers. I silently  giggle.
“Hmmm.” I hum

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