Chapter 19

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I didn't mean to jump off a cliff, I swear. I had to, okay?

Whoa, whoa. Let's try again.

It's all Tory's fault. Nope not quite.

After we, erm, destroyed Tyler's party and Tory said goodbye, we sprinted off away from the house towards our car. We all jumped inside and buckled up and Connor floored it. After we had caught our breath I turned around in my seat to face Tory, who was laying across the back seat, unusually quiet. I figured she must be seriously upset, because a) she's Tory, she doesn't cry and b) she's Tory, she isn't quiet.

"Those high heels turned out to be a great idea. I saw you take out a ton of monsters with them." I tell her softly.

"It was a stupid idea. I don't want to talk about it." she responds quietly, turning her body to face the seat cushion.

I get the feeling she isn't exactly talking about the heels, and I sadden as I realize she must've been having a moment with Tyler when the monsters broke out.

"Oh. Well, you seemed pretty happy with them. I'm sorry they didn't work out."

Her answer is silence.

"Where do we go now?" Connor asks after a minute from behind the steering wheel.

I think for a minute before coming up with something. "Drive to Lake Ontario. It's not too far away and my dad has a summer home type thing set up on a hidden part of the shore. The Mist covers it so we shouldn't attract attention."

"Sounds like a plan. We should have enough gas to make it. Sit tight for now."

We drive the next forty five minutes in silence before Connor pulls up to a park rest stop overlooking Lake Ontario. We get out and grab our bags that we'd stashed in the trunk in case tonight went awry, which, of course, it did. (We can never go anywhere nice with out something happening; yet another perk of being a demigod) We sit down at one of the picnic tables to rest. Tory lays her head down on her arms and I pat her back then just let her sit. After a minute I notice something unexpected: she's shivering. Determined to make her as comfortable as possible, I reach down to the part of my dress that's just above my knees. I set my jaw and get a firm grip on the fabric and start counting in my head. 'One . . . Two . . . Three!'

There's a giant ripping sound as I pull the fabric farther and farther back. Connor looks over at me incredulously and even Tory sneaks a peek from behind her hair. When I've finally gotten the whole section off, I smooth whats left of my dress and wrap the fabric around Tory's shoulders. She mutters a quiet "Thanks" before laying her head back down. Minutes pass with nothing happening but that, of course, doesn't last long.

Suddenly, Tory snaps her head up. "Did you hear that?" she asks.

"Hear what?" Connor and I ask in unison, our bodies tensing.

Her ears change into the ears of a cat and swivel around. "I heard something." Tory looks around then stands up. "We need to move."

Not ones to take mysterious sounds lightly, we grab our bags and take off towards a nearby hill. When we get to the top, which turns out to a cliff, we stop. Bent over with our hands on our knees, we all try to catch our breath.

"What now?" Connor pants out.

Just as I open my mouth to reply, I hear a British voice ring out in the night. "What now is I end you."

A dark figure in an old timey suit with coattails emerges from down the hill on what looks to be a golden hover board that has one hand rail protruding up from it.

All thoughts of tiredness gone, we jump up, pulling out our weapons in the process.

"You." I mutter through gritted teeth.

My Life as One of the Most Powerful Demigods Ever. (A Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now