Chapter 114: Re: My Heart Beats For You

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"When your operation is over, can we try being together?"

"We can talk about it after the operation is successful."

Jian Chenfeng once bore much expectation in his heart and had believed that they could be together. However, he gave up his life for his younger sister instead.

Jian Xin gained his heart, while they left him with nothing.

Even after losing this person, life still had to move on. But Jian Chenfeng could never smile again. He detested seeing this person, because whenever he saw her, she would remind him of the heart in her chest that once belonged to his beloved.

She was his younger sister, so Jian Chenfeng would protect her for her entire life, but the new Jian Xin seemed to have become more willful. In the past, she would often stay at home to rest because of her body. However, after gaining a healthy body, she refused to treasure it and frequently visited places of entertainment to make friends with people of dubious characters. She would wantonly squander money and act arrogant and domineering, gradually becoming an utterly different person.

Jian Chenfeng had never known that his younger sister was so thoughtless. Was she deliberately acting loose or was it innate? Jian Chenfeng couldn't help but feel that it was not worth Yumo's sacrifice. The woman he lost his life for did not hold any feelings of gratitude towards him. Instead, she enjoyed a luxurious and filthy lifestyle as though it were her right.

Jian Chenfeng controlled her spending and sent her into a school, but she would still always cause some kind of trouble and remained unchanged despite all their admonishments. Eventually, Jian Chenfeng also gave up.

Two years after Yumo passed away, Jiang Donglin and Jian Xin got married.

After she was married, Jian Xin exercised some restraint and opened a coffee shop as a pastime.

Yet, despite their many years of marriage, Jian Xin and Jiang Donglin never had any children. Jian Chenfeng thus adopted a child, named him "Jian Simo", and prepared to cultivate him into the Jian Family's future heir.

Only later did Jian Chenfeng discover that Jiang Donglin and Jian Xin slept in different rooms shortly after their marriage. Their relationship was excellent, but they were just not good together in bed. Jian Xin apparently resisted Jiang Donglin's touch, saying that it was "disgusting".

Jiang Donglin, while he was drunk, once blurted out to Jian Chenfeng, "Is it because Jian Xin has Yumo's heart that she would be so mentally conflicted towards me, his older brother?"

Jian Chenfeng gave him a punch once he said those words.

According to Jiang Donglin's logic, would he say that the reason Jian Xin's personality changed so much was also because of the heart transplanted from Yumo? Yumo was such a cheerful person, such a passionate person. Even if there were influences, shouldn't they be positive ones?

Jian Chenfeng always felt that the Yumo he knew and the one Jiang Donglin knew weren't really the same person. Why was there such a huge misunderstanding between them when they were obviously blood brothers? In Jiang Donglin's eyes, his younger brother seemed to lack any good points and was full of weak points. Every time this happened, Jian Chenfeng would wish that Yumo were his own younger brother. If it were him, even if he had to bear the infamy of incest, he would still do everything in his ability to cherish him, to love him.

Forget it, none of this was important anymore.

Yumo was already dead, and all his expectations were merely beautiful fantasies.

Regardless of his parents' opposition, Jian Chenfeng remained steadfast in his decision to adopt Jian Simo and poured what remained of his emotions into the child.

Jian Simo also did not disappoint him. At fifteen, he began to participate in company affairs; by eighteen, he could already take charge of a section by himself. The reason Jian Chenfeng adopted Jian Simo at first was because his features were forty to fifty percent similar to Yumo. Gradually, Jian Simo resembled Jian Chenfeng more and more as he grew up. They weren't similar in appearance, but their personalities bore a striking resemblance as they each sported a frozen face that easily alienated others.

Perhaps it was because he felt that he was raising him askew but, Jian Chenfeng, by the time he turned forty-five, no longer stayed so close to him. Besides having to work together, they rarely had any more interactions.

This year, Jian Xin successfully gave birth to twins using in vitro fertilization. Jian Family's father and mother immediately put their utmost efforts into raising those twins. In contrast, they had never liked Jian Simo much, because even though he was very outstanding, he was not their blood relative.

Jian Simo had believed that he would someday need to give way to Jian Xin's children and did not plan to resist. He merely concentrated on working, accumulating experience and making adequate preparations for his own future.

However, he never expected that his foster father who was always so cold to him would sign his name onto his will with zero hesitation before passing away.

The moment he stopped breathing, a serene and relieved smile appeared on Jian Chenfeng's face. Jian Simo's eyes immediately filled with tears at the sight. In his memories, his foster father had never smiled and had always been working tediously every day. He had believed that his foster father did not know how to enjoy life, but only now did he discover that in the past, he had only treated life as an unavoidable responsibility.

His happiness no longer existed in the human world.

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