Hardcore Hacker, Fashion Queen, and Quadrents

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"Hey Puck?" Feferi called.


"You haven't met everyone yet, have you?"


She smiled and took hold of Puck's arm. "Well let me introduce you to someone I'm very pond of!"

Puck smiled into her sigh.

Feferi dragged her to one of the computers that was occupied, just standing behind the male troll, waiting for him to be finished with what appeared to be some hardcore hacking. After about a minute of waiting, the fish girl let out an impatient cough.

"Sup Fef," he said without looking away from the computer screen.

Feferi pouted. "I was going to glubbing introduce you to our human guest."

The male faced Feferi. "I don't really care. I mean, you know how I feel about humans."

After hearing that, Puck wasn't really sure how to feel. She could see why this guy wouldn't be cool with humans, with all the wars and fighting, and then some just simply suck. On the other hand, not all humans are like that. So she ignored the comment and noted the fact that this guy has one obnoxious lisp.

"Just tell Puck your name and we'll leave you alone!" Feferi shouted.

The male troll took a step back and Puck's eyes widened in surprise.

"Woah Fef," he lifted his hands, "Calm down." The male looked at Puck. "My name is Sollux."

Puck opened her mouth to tell Sollux her name, but he interupted. "I already know your name, stupid."

"Actually, I was going to tell you that your computer is smoking."

Sollux turned back to his computer, only to see a shitty picture Karkat drew of himself sticking his tongue out before Sollux's computer exsploded. He let out a loud yell, then turned to see Karkat across the way smiling and chuckling.

The last thing Puck heard out of Sollux was him saying he was going to kill Karkat.

Puck looked over to Feferi, expecting her to say something, but instead she had a soft smile on her face. "Sooo... That's Sollux?"

"That's Sollux."

"He seems kind of lame."

"Yeah, but I like him anyway."

Puck let out a soft giggle. "Your crush on him is cute."

Feferi blushed her fuschia color.

"Well, what about you Puck? Do you have a flush crush," she asked, trying to change the subject. It was the human girl's turn to blush.


"You can tell me, I can keep a secret."

Puck really gave it a lot of thought. She doesn't really get crushes in a finger snap, it usually takes time. Back before the game, Puck had a few crushes. One that she regreted, one that she really liked, and one that she knew could never possibly happen in a million years. That was actually it. Puck only had three crushes in her whole life so far.

While she thought about whether she had a crush on anyone, she also thought about the fact that she only had three crushes in her life. Puck was thirteen and she wondered if only having three chushes is normal for a thirteen year old. 


Gamzee came up behide Puck, giving her back a nudge with his hands, hoping to scare her.

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