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Chry's p.o.v

I groan and stand up.I'm in a cage..Gawd dangit now i remember!I was shot down! 

I look arounfd until i hear the door start to open i step into the shadows,mending into them from my coloring. I hear voices and see the dragon that shot me down! My horn glowed green and i shot a beam of power at him.I stepped out of the shadows and into the arena.

I cicled with the dragon and the others watched.I sent out another message telling them my new location and what happen.The black dragon jumped at me but all i did was shoot another beam at his chest pushing him into the wall.

i beared my fangs at the dragon a opened my wings.I heared buzzing, it was a reply! I saw a scrawny boy slowly walk torward me ,he pulled out a sword and it lit on fire. It wasn't hypnotising me so i turned away.

He looked surprised by my rejection to his method of training me.I lokked at an older female with a dragon next to her.She looked like the boy just older.Must be his mother.Then the black dragon jumped at me from behind so i bucked him with my back legs with such force i could muster

Why does he hate me.The boy finaly took control of his friend and we had a staring contest.

Finaly my horn glowed green and i transformed into a white version of the black dragon.Shocking the humans and dragons."why am i hear! I need to get back to my children!"i said in their tongue

I saw a ton of changelings holding swords and bows surround the arena.The humans and dragons looked terrified as i changed back telapored all of my army and myself back to the hive.

Stupid Humans!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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