Chry's p.o.v
I groan and stand up.I'm in a cage..Gawd dangit now i remember!I was shot down!
I look arounfd until i hear the door start to open i step into the shadows,mending into them from my coloring. I hear voices and see the dragon that shot me down! My horn glowed green and i shot a beam of power at him.I stepped out of the shadows and into the arena.
I cicled with the dragon and the others watched.I sent out another message telling them my new location and what happen.The black dragon jumped at me but all i did was shoot another beam at his chest pushing him into the wall.
i beared my fangs at the dragon a opened my wings.I heared buzzing, it was a reply! I saw a scrawny boy slowly walk torward me ,he pulled out a sword and it lit on fire. It wasn't hypnotising me so i turned away.
He looked surprised by my rejection to his method of training me.I lokked at an older female with a dragon next to her.She looked like the boy just older.Must be his mother.Then the black dragon jumped at me from behind so i bucked him with my back legs with such force i could muster
Why does he hate me.The boy finaly took control of his friend and we had a staring contest.
Finaly my horn glowed green and i transformed into a white version of the black dragon.Shocking the humans and dragons."why am i hear! I need to get back to my children!"i said in their tongue
I saw a ton of changelings holding swords and bows surround the arena.The humans and dragons looked terrified as i changed back telapored all of my army and myself back to the hive.
Stupid Humans!

Changelings (httyd)
AdventureThe changeling queen,Chrysalis have been sent to the httyd world!(she is good!)Now she must lead the changelings in survival in the dragon world.she is the alphasof the changelings!But what will happen when chrysalis is spotted captured by hiccup a...