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I was still pacing. I'd been pacing since the moment they left.

They were idiots. All of them. Especially Azriel. I knew why he had to go, Ellie's his mate, he couldn't leave her. But if he got hurt, if he died-it would kill Elain

I saw them walk into the center of the camp, a human girl with dark hair cuts and bruises covering every inch of her, Feyre with a hole through her shoulder, and Azriel-

His wings were torn up, his back was shredded, there was a trail of blood pouring behind him. But he was still holding onto Elain. 

Elain who had shackles on her wrists and ankles. 

They all needed a healer. Now.

Rhys winnowed over to them as I sprinted behind him.

"I couldn't leave her," Feyre said, voice raw as she gestured to the human girl behind her.

Just then Nesta barreled over to Feyre, sobbing, Nesta's arms went around her neck in an embrace as she said over and over again, "Thank you."

Rhys lunged for Az, taking Elain and gently setting her down. Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet, "We need Helion to get these chains off her."

Elain didn't seem to notice the chains as she threw her arms around Az in a tight embrace and kissed him on the cheek. She squeezed his hands once before walking over to her sisters.

"We need to get you to Thesan," Rhys said to Azriel, "Right now."

I went over to Az and supported him on one side, Rhys on the other. Together we half dragged him towards his tent, where Thesan was already waiting.

Thesan ushered us out while he got to work.

I knew that we had to get Ellie and Az to tell each other. Anything could happen, this was proof. They couldn't die without knowing the truth. 

So, I called Lys to my tent, and we started to scheme.

_____LINE BREAK_____

Elain's POV

Just like when we used to share a bed in that disgusting hovel, my sisters and I slept together.

Well, they slept. I couldn't fall asleep, not with all the emotions running through me.

I wanted to go see Az, but I couldn't. What if Nesta or Feyre sees. What if they follow me. I knew that if I saw Az, whatever conversation we had would be ugly, I couldn't let my sisters see that.

I staying lying down next to my two sleeping sisters, counting the seconds until morning.

Screw it, I decided in the middle of the night, I need to go see how he's doing.

I carefully disengaged myself from my sisters and grabbed a cloak before padding over to Az's tent. I took a deep breath and walked in.

Back to Aelin's POV

Lys and I tip-toed over to Az's tent, we were about twenty feet away, when we saw Elain walk out of her tent. She took a deep breath, and stepped through the tent flaps.

I whispered to Lys, "Come on, I want to see this."

She rolled her eyes, but nodded and followed me. We crept over to the tent and peered through the half open flaps, me lying on the ground and Lys peering over me.

Elain walked over to Az's bedside, "Az," She hissed, "Az, wake up" She shook his shoulders lightly.

He groggily cracked one eye open, "Elain?" He mumbled. He slowly sat up, hissing in pain as it pulled on the not yet healed wounds. "What's wrong?" He asked as he saw Elain standing with her arms crossed in front of him.

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