(5) it's bright vachirawit...

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hey..guys...it's the 5th...hope you guys enjoy it...share your views and comments...this one will be a rollercoaster ride I assure you..read and tell how was it...

it was Monday morning and my alarm did stroke but i laid on my bed. i wanted to cuddle myself in bed for some more time by winding the sheets around me, as the outside rainy weather gave me sort of boring chills. but still i had to wake up cause it was my first time working after the promotion i got last week. And i was glad of Fong because for the fact, there will be a new intern joining us at gmm where he or she will join as a personal assistant for the tay new couple together with fong. i was happy.  but the real problem was for me. i was not able to work with him. more precisely after the thing he whispered to me...

You are mine!

"Geez...get a grip on you metawin..he is your boss...don't fall for this...get a good girlfriend for you..i mean you have many girls in your country..." i muttered myself. And with that i adjusted my feet on to the ground and went for my morning daily routines and cleaned myself. 

 I wore a clean decent mind with lot of positivism and then selected a black t with a black denim and white snickers to add on with them. i took my breakfast at condo as i had to be there on gmm earlier than i used to be as i had to do some work before Mr.vachirawit arrives. Yes.. word Mr.vachirawit was fine, i thought.

"here is the routine schedule metawin...you will need to make adjustments here and there if new things come up...you remember all the things i taught you right...he might not be punctual in time but he is a man with word..he always do the maximum that he can do with everything that he got...i hope you won't get messed up... " it was my fairy godmother p'ed. she always hoped good for both of us. i really loved her presence.

"yes maam.." i will do my best! saying that i went to his cabin, cabin of Mr. vachirawit!

"hell...is this a room or a jungle...more like a haunted house...geez ...can he breathe in here... "i thought to myself. Mr. vachirawit was not present at his cabin yet. p'ed told that he will be here nearly at around 10am. and i had another one and a half hours to take a look around. 

i looked around the wide room with a wide oval desk on aside. there was a framed picture of him and a lady of a huge age gap than him on the table, might be his mother. at the left side of the room, beside the table was a cabinet full of awards. he was a very bight and clever kid, i thought. and there were many framed pictures of him hanging out in the walls with many luxurious outwears, probably the endorsements he did, i concluded. looking through the room in more detail, i saw many astronomy books and economic books and engineering books laid on the sofa which was located near the right window. but i bet there were more books in astronomy. i turned around the room in search of something which I might miss by any chance and then locked in one place. it was a black guitar  which was aligned nicely in between the edges of two walls. i wanted to see it more clearly but my eyes caught up something that could clear this whole mess, a broom.

it was 10 and he was not here...yet. i wanted to have a cup of coffee after all the work I've done in this room by clearing the dark in to the light. god... now only i took some pure oxygen. i watered the plants which were lying in pale and made the curtains free of dust, cleaned all his frames, aligned all the books in order of size and made other bits of extra dust in to clean. I was satisfied with the work i did.

it was 11 and he was not here so i went out and took a sip out of a coffee. i saw ptay and fong playing rov at the the bench which was few blocks away from me. they sashayed me from that far and i wanted to talk to them but i didn't got any chance as p'ed came running towards me with a panting breadth on her face.

"hey p'ed what happened..why are you in rush..." i asked breathlessly.

"what did you do...to bright's room...hahhh...what did you do...." it was p'ed who was panting underneath her breadth by being relentless on herself. why she was aking me that kinda question. 

"i did nothing..i just cleaned the room...what happened p'ed?" i asked in a confused manner.

"come with me win..." and she dragged me to bright's cabin. there were many people surrounding his cabin. god knows why. did something happened to bright? i was still processing. but then suddenly my eyes and ears got the whole sitaution crystal clear.

"i told you bloody bastards to never touch my cabin..." the voice echoed the whole floor where all the people who surrounded the cabin went few steps back, in response to the angry voice.

"i always tell everyone never to touch my things...who did this..who was it..." bright with his red eyes searched through his surrounding, looking for the criminal who murdered his room.  

"so sorry sir...it ws my mistake...i did it..." it was p'ed who went behalf of me. i was amazed and sad about what happened. i mean how can someone be this much angry just beacuase someone decided to clean up his goofy ghost mansion for him. what did i do wrong..and why p'ed was accepting behalf of me.

"don't..just don't..p'ed i know... it was not you...so don't interfere...real one is out there...come out you moron..." he raised his voice and i had it all enough. i dared to speak.

"mr. vachirawit...."i snapped out of the crowd and volunteered and his red eyes got fixed immediately on mine.

"i did this..i cleaned your room...it was my fault.." i said. but what i didnt get was, why he was so angry with this? i mean it was his own  adavantage. uhhh! i cant deal with this guy. he seems to be so kind at one time and then a devil at another time. 

"i thought so...you were the one who had no manners from the start... you always misbehaved as it was in your blood..." okay he went too far. please bright dont get ahead on my family, i thought.

"how can you just touch anyone's belonging's without their permission..how could you.." he came closer to me by fixing his red eyes on mine. and in response i had to bow my head infront of him.

"but sir...i am your new secretary..." i dared to speak with the minimum volume i had.

"even though you were appointed as my secretary did i accept you as my secretary...did i?"

okay i had it on that time. then...you are mine...was something else. did he lied to me? why he is behaving like this..

"sorry bright..." i didnt dared to say anything apart from that.

"bright...?" he did a warm angry breadth on my face.

"no...mr.vachirawit...you should call me mr.vachiraiwt...why?" he paused and continued.

" because you are just my secretary..not more than that..know your limits..."he stopped.

but actually i was not there at the moment. i was teary in my eyes. my whole image, i made went in to pieces. what did i do wrong? i wanted to get myself killed so badly...i mean was it truly my fault? all thoughts ran on my head when i felt some liquid fell on my cheeks. it was tears. i was crying. god why was i crying. i dont cry unless i am really hurt and hence i asked myself...why are you crying metawin...are you crying cause bright bad mouthed you or your family...or are you crying casue all the things he said on that day was a lie...or are you crying cause you had high expectations with him. 

"bright...stop this..dont behave like this..." p'ed was begging by keeping her left arm and on his palm. i bet she was seeing this for the first time. 

he snapped ped's arm sideways and came in light speed towards me and stopped when it was like few centimeters away from me.

"get this straight to your fucking mind win metawin...if you want to work with me.. you gotta do what i say..not more than that.." i was still crying with every word he uttered.

he went few steps back and came again with a raised hand with the intention of hitting me, i guess and it was p'ed who stopped him. i was dragged by the other fellow colleagues who were watching this whole at back.

at that moment i couldn't hold it anymore and i just went off the room with the speed i gained,crying along the hallways to a place where no one else could see, the top terrace. 

you are mine turned out to be you are nothing..!

i want to die...

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