Chapter 4: Spider-Man vs The Penguin

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(At the museum Spider-Man is seen)

Spider-Man: (to the readers) You must have already known what happened lately, right?


(A spaceship is seen in the city)

Spider-Man: It all started when a spaceship landed in the city.

(Spider-Man is seen fighting the Ace Operatives)

Spider-Man: I fought a group of... Aliens... They called themselves as the Ace Operatives. But I showed them who's actually ace, If you understand what I said.

(Spider-Man is seen meeting Teams JNPR and RWBY)

Spider-Man: Then I met teams JNPR and RWBY. They are cool.

(A picture of General Ironwood is seen)

Spider-Man: Before I got to know them more, a man who named himself as General Ironwood appeared demanding the eight huntsmen to surrender to him.

(An explosion happens in the museum)

Spider-Man: Before we could do something about it, we had to investigate an assault at the museum.

(The Penguin and the Vulture are seen)

Spider-Man: The attack was led by two nefarious criminals. The Penguin and my archenemy Vulture.

(Spider-Man, Yang and Nora are seen defeating the Vulture)

Spider-Man: Thanks to Yang and Nora's help, I could defeat the Vulture.

(The Penguin is seen running away)

Spider-Man: Unfortunately, The Penguin has escaped. At least he thought so.

(Flashback ends)

Spider-Man: And this led us to where we are.

(Meanwhile, Batman and his team are seen fighting The Penguin)

Batman: It's over, Penguin!

The Penguin: I don't think so, Batman. See my newest invention!

(Then an airship comes in and shoots Batman and his team. But they manage to defend themselves.)

The Penguin: Wide open!

(The Penguin is about to shoot Batman, but Spider-Man comes in defending them with a Proto Shield)

(The Penguin is about to shoot Batman, but Spider-Man comes in defending them with a Proto Shield)

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The Penguin: What?

(Then Spider-Man summons Twinbee)

(Then Spider-Man summons Twinbee)

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The Gamer Spider-Man In Crossover KombatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora