Chapter 9: Spider-Man, Mortal Kombat Champion

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(Akira is seen in a black place)

Akira: You readers already know what happened in the last episode, right? I'll explain nevertheless!

(General Ironwood is seen)

Akira: This is James Ironwood, general of Atlas. He wanted to conquer the earth and capture Teams RWBY and JNPR.

(Raiden is seen in front of the warriors who represent Earthrealm)

Akira: Luckily Raiden gave us a fighting chance.

(Akira is seen as Spider-Man)

Akira: Now I am ready to fight.

(At the arena, Spider-Man is seen as a figure similar to Mandarin comes in)

Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen, the final rounds have started. Now our friendly gamer neighborhood Spider-Man is about to fight the Phoenix King Ozai from Elementia.

 Now our friendly gamer neighborhood Spider-Man is about to fight the Phoenix King Ozai from Elementia

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Ozai: I am son of Azulon, supreme ruler of all things. You've got no chance, bug!

Spider-Man: Said a man who lost against a kid.

(Ozai attacks Spider-Man, who easily blocks his punch, then throws him down. Then he picks the speed shoes and runs in circles around Ozai as he uses his web to tie the Phoenix King. After this, he pulls the web, making Ozai spin like a top)

Narrator: Wow, incredible. Spider-Man made the Phoenix King spin like a top, ladies and gentlemen!

(General Ironwood gets angry. As Ozai stops spinning, Spider-Man prepares his final attack)

Spider-Man: Let's go! Shoryureppa!

(Spider-Man knocks Ozai out with his Shoryureppa)

Narrator: The Phoenix King Ozai just got incredibly defeated!

(Then the applauses are heard as Spider-Man makes cool poses. Meanwhile, the woman in red dress approaches Ironwood)

????: This guy is a big threat to our plans. I'll make sure he doesn't make it to the finals.

Ironwood: (smiles) Alright, Cinder. Make our mistress proud.

(Cinder nods and walks away)

(Meanwhile in the forest, Spider-Man is seen talking with Morganna)

Morganna: You're doing great, Akira. Don't stop.

Spider-Man: Thanks, Morganna.

(Then Palutena comes in)

Palutena: Spider.

Spider-Man: Lady Palutena?

Palutena: Just call me Palutena, Darling.

Spider-Man: Wait, Darling?

Palutena: I know it's wrong, but the first time I saw you, I started falling in love with you.

The Gamer Spider-Man In Crossover KombatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora