Chapter 20: Super Saiyan Spider-Man

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(Spider-Man is seen watching Mercury and Harry's dead bodies and rage overwhelms him)

Spider-Man: Why you... witch... how dare you... I'll never forgive you...

(Then his suit starts getting yellow as the heroes and Cinder notice that)

Cinder: His power... is increasing...

(Then Spider-Man can't hold his anger and

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(Then Spider-Man can't hold his anger and...)


(Then he becomes a Super Saiyan, much for people's surprise.)

Robin: What the...

Red Hood: How is this possible?

Xenovia: It's said that only the saiyans can transform like this

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Xenovia: It's said that only the saiyans can transform like this.

Superman: I guess he will not hold back anymore.

(Then Salem raises her hand, only for SSJ Spider-Man to approach her really fast and rip off her arm with all rage, surprising people even more.)

Blue Beetle: Wow, he appealed

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Blue Beetle: Wow, he appealed.

Blue Beetle: Wow, he appealed

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The Gamer Spider-Man In Crossover KombatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora