Chapter 28: Infiltration

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(Raven Branwen is seen waking up at the heroes base as Yang approaches her)

Yang: Mom? Are you alright?

Raven: Maybe...

Palutena: Raven, I know what you did, just as I know how much you regret such actions.

Raven: How can you be so sure?

Palutena: When your teammate Summer Rose died, she told me about it.

(Raven then makes a decision.)

Raven: I will help you. But I'll have to take Yang and her teammates with me first.

(Some minutes later, Raven returns to Remnant, presumingly without Team RWBY. Then Whitley approaches her.)

Whitley: What just happened?

Raven: A speedster attacked me. He was too fast.

Whitley: Hmm... I see...

Raven: But I know where they he went. Follow me.

(They arrive in the subway as Team RWBY is waiting for the right moment to strike Whitley.)

Whitley: Why am I suspecting I'm falling for... (sees his legs freezing) a trap?

(Then Raven leaves through a portal)

Whitley: You bitch!

(Yang punches Whitley hard.)

Yang: The only bitch here is you, playboy!

(Then Roman Torchwick and Neo come in)

(Then Roman Torchwick and Neo come in)

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Roman: Ohohohohoho... I knew that bitch would betray us.

Ruby: Roman?

Roman: It's been so long, Red.

Roman: It's been so long, Red

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Neo: (giggles)

Yang: (cracks her knuckles) I have been waiting for this!

Ruby: (draws her crescent rose) Good. Let's fight!

(They fight. In contrast to their previous fights, Ruby and Yang seem to have learned about Roman and Neo's fighting patterns as they manage to defeat the criminal duo.)

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