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Pulling her now long curls into a ponytail Anastassia takes a seat in the white sand on the beach located in the backyard of the place she now called home. The wind blows warm air against her half dressed body as she watches Ayden make sandcastles with his father not far away from where she was sitting.

Time had passed since she had been back with Adonis. So much time that she stopped keeping count because at the end of the day the amount of time that had passed didn't matter. Ana wasn't happy or sad she was complacent.

All feelings had gone goodbye the night Adonis killed her sister and mother. She had always known he was a killer but that was the first time she had ever seen it first hand right in her face. Of course she had considered leaving, grabbing her child and running away again but she was deathly afraid about what would happen the next time she tried to leave him.

Afraid of what he would do when he found her.

Because he was going to find her.

She squints her eyes from the sunshine that was beaming down on her covering her caramel colored body in the warm sun rays.

"Mommy look! Look at the castle!" Ayden shouts while waving his small arms in the air in victory.

Ana smiles widely and claps along with her four year old son. Ayden grins and hugs Adonis before going back to build another castle next to his already finished one. Ayden loved being outside, swimming in their pool and the ocean even just hanging out on the beach he was a busy toddler who enjoyed nature and all types of animals. He was just like Adonis when he was a child full of joy and life before the world turned him cold.

Anastassia hoped the world would never turn her baby boy into the man his father was.

She pulls her knees closer to her body and rest her head on her knees, trying to get some relief from the ruthless sun. A few moments pass and she feels Adonis sit down next to her. He strokes her back softly with his left hand and she turns her head to face him. A smile spread across his face as their eyes meet and Ana returns it.

She had become a pro at hiding her true emotions, since each time she showed any disdain it would result in her being punished by the man who shared the same last name as her.

"What's on your mind?" Adonis ask while keeping an eye on Ayden.

Ana shrugs and gives him a reassuring smile.

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying the weather today that's all."

Adonis nods seeming satisfied with her answer. Things between the two of them had been roughly the same. He had slowed down putting his hands on her but when he felt she deserved it he didn't hesistate to snatch her up.

He had finally gotten what he wanted. Anastassia to himself. She had no friends and no other family outside of him and Rayn who visited occasionally to see Ayden and give them a few nights off from being parents. Today she would be arriving since she hadn't been seen in over three months and was brining the guy she had been dating along with her for Adonis to meet for the first time.

"Ready for tonight?" Adonis ask.

"Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to it."

"Since she'll be here for the next week I figured you and I could have some alone time while she keeps Ayden."

"I would like that."

Adonis bites into his bottom lip and scoots closer to Ana not leaving and room between the two of them. He kisses her shoulder and up to her neck stopping and letting his lips hover over hers.

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