Chapter 1

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Twitter: @CarmaTweeting.

Chapter 1:

Why? Why me? Why the hell did it have to be me!? I'm 24, just finished my role in 'Save me from myself' and recieved an Academy Award for best actress, but hey guess what? Yeah i'm having twins, thanks to my hunky narcissist of a boyfriend. Yeah brown wavey hair, green matrix eyes, firm cream skin and a smile that glimmers like the moon and glaciers. I suppose you could call me insecure, I used to get targeted cause boys noticed I reached puberty faster. Pyro used to always say "Freckled beauty with the levelled booty"! I used to laugh cause I was 14 and who wouldnt find that funny. As you all know, ups come with downs, girls would target me and make harmful remarks like "She's going to have plenty of babies". Well the bitches were kind of right about the baby part, but if they only knew what mysteries were going to unfold in the next few years.                                                                                                                               

If you havent already noticed, im pregnant, not with one baby, but two! Although I didnt plan this out, im told im going to have two girls and im buzzing like a bee in a honey cave. Recently all I've been doing is watching Doctor Who, Eastenders and eating nutri grain bars. My lovely boyfriend Nile is always saying 'I love you three' and I can see in his eyes that he would be heartbroken if anything ever happened to one of us, well guess what it did. I was 6 and a half months into what had seemed like an everlasting pregnancy. My stomach felt like it was doing cartwheels, I was puking up more than usual and I had to visit Dr Reid to find out what was going on.

6pm on Friday 13th November. I was sitting in the hospital, surrounded by people with fractures and sneezing slimeballs, all I could think is 'pregant lady here', can you sneeze somewhere else. It was November, so I guess I had to put up with it, a couple of minutes later Dr.Reid came out and brought me into his room. 'What seems to be the problem Carol'?, he asked. I cried "Doctor something doesnt seem right, its like almost every day I feel a shock in my stomach and I feel like im getting weaker". Dr Reid's eyes looked panicked as if he could see something that I wasnt seeing. He said, "we're going to do some tests, then I will tell you the results once we're finished".

30mins later he walked back out, he looked distraught and upset, only to show me that one of my twins had 'Cystic Fibrosis': a disease which gives you breathing difficulties, and involves coughing up mucus. Dr Reid said, 'you could continue the pregnancy and see if you can handle the burden'. Suddenly I exploded..

I shouted 'burden, is that what you're calling my twins, burdens!'

Dr Reid calmly replied "Im only trying to do whats best for you".

I always had dreaded the thought about my children having a disease, I was always healthy, so maybe it could've came from Nile. I couldn't bring myself to tell him what had happened, so there I was making the worst decision of my life to abort the twin who had the disease, if only I knew what consequences were going to face me in the next few months...

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