The Second Golden Trio

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I look through all the doors, but all the compartments were full. As I was walking down the train for the third time, a girl with curly red hair sticks her head out of a compartment and looks at me.

"Hey, would you like to sit with us?" She politely says.

I nod my head and go inside.

I sit down next to the girl. Inside the compartment are also two boys. They kinda look alike too, except one has brilliant green eyes.

"Oh, sorry," says the red-headed girl. "These are my cousins. This" she says pointing at the taller one, "is James, and this" she says pointing at the one with the green eyes, "is Albus."

I shake James and Albus' hands.

"And I'm Rose Weasley." I shake her hand as well.

"Nice to meet you all. My name is Mickayla, but please call me Mickey." I say. Then, I say to Rose, "Your last name is kinda familiar to me."

"You must know my parents, Ron and Hermione Weasley." She says, rather proudly. "They fought alongside my Uncle Harry in the Second Wizarding War."

My eyes go wide. "Harry? As in Harry Potter?"

"Yep." Says James with his head held high. "He's our father."

"I read a couple books on him. That's so cool!" I say, getting super excited.

Suddenly, their eyes go wide.

"What?" I say.

"Your hair." Rose simply says.

I look at my hair. My blonde pigtails are now bubblegum pink.

"Oh, yeah." I say shaking my head, making my hair go back to normal. "Sorry, it happens when I'm excited."

"Your a metamorphmagus?" Albus exclaims.

"I think that's what it's called." I say.

"That's awesome!" James says. "So is Teddy!" Then he bolts out of the compartment.

"Who's Teddy?" I ask once he's gone.

"He's our god brother." Albus says. "His parents died in The Battle of Hogwarts, so he's almost always with us."

"Oh, that's awful!" I say. "Well, about his parents dying."

"Yeah," Rose says. "Our Uncle Fred died in that battle. He was our Uncle George's twin brother, so he named his son after him."

"Oh my goodness." I say.

"How about you, Mickey?" Rose says. "Did you lose anyone in the battle?"

"Not likely." I say. "I'm the only witch in my family. Everyone else is non-magic."

"Your a muggleborn?" Rose says. I nod. "So is my mother!"

"Awesome!" I say. "It freaked my parents out when my hair started changing colors when I was only a couple of hours old. It freaked my dad out so much that he left us."

"That's awful!" Rose says, putting her arm around my shoulders. She's trusting, I like that.

"No don't worry!" I assure her. "I don't even remember him."

Albus was about to say something, when James came back with a beautiful blonde girl by his side.

"Victoire," James says, "this is Mickey. Mickey, this is Victoire."

I stand up and shake Victoire's hand. "Nice to meet you Mickey." He says. "Please, call me Vicky. So James tells me your a metamorphmagus. I'm Teddy's girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you too, Vicky." I say. With that, I change my appearance to match hers.

She chuckles. "I like you, kid. Although, I'd like your hair better pink." I change back to my regular appearance. She turns to Rose and Albus and says, "Rosie, Al, you two should make Mickey here part of your duo. You three could be the Second Golden Trio."

Rose and Albus turn to each other and smile.

Then, Vicky says, "Anyways, Mickey, when did you move to England?"

"Last year." I say."My mom got a job offer here and then I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts."

"That must've been tough," she says, "having to move from America to Europe."

"Yeah, it was at first," I admit, "but I do like it here."

"That's great." She says. "Well, I have to get going. Nice to meet you again."

"Nice to meet you too, again." I say. Then she leaves, with James right behind her.

"Where do you think he's off to this time?" Albus asks.

"Obviously to find Fred." Rosie says. Then she turns to me and says, "Those two are real partners-in-crime."

"So," I say, "Two questions: 1. Can I call you guys Rosie and Al? and 2. What did she mean by Second Golden Trio and can I be part of it?"

"You can call me Rosie if you'd like, I don't mind." She says, " How about you, Al?"

"Fine by me." He says. Then he adds, "I'll tell you about the Golden Trio thing. The First Golden Trio were my dad and Rosie's mum and dad. They were best friends at Hogwarts and they would get into all kinds of trouble. Therefore, if we were to become best friends, since there are three of us, we would be the Second Golden Trio."

"And we would love if you can be a part of it." Rosie finishes.

"I would love to be part of it!" I get excited again, and my blonde hair once again turns bubblegum pink, and I keep it that way. It'll be a nice change from blonde.

"Well, since we're going to be friends," Rosie says, "We should start learning more about each other."

From there, I learned that Rosie is the first child of Ron and Hermione Weasley. She has a younger brother named Hugo. She like to play Quidditch and she's rather smart for her age. Also, interestingly enough, her birthday is tomorrow.

About Al, I learned that he is the second child of Harry and Ginny Potter. In addition to James, he has a younger sister named Lily. I also learned that he and his siblings were named after people close to his parents' hearts. James was their grandfather and Sirius (James' middle name) was Mr. Potter's godfather. Albus and Severus (Al's middle name) were headmasters of Hogwarts, Lily was their grandmother and Luna (Lily's middle name) is a close family friend. Finally, his godfather, Neville Longbottom, is a proffesor at Hogwarts. (He also has a ferret named Dale, who's extremely friendly.)

On the other hand, they learn that I'm from Boston, that I'm the only child to Crystal Levine, and that my full name is Mickayla Ariana Levine.

Thus began the Second Golden Trio.

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