Second Year

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I was at Rosie's house for about a week. My mom met Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and she hit it off with them right away. It was the first day of our second year of Hogwarts and Rosie was trying to wake me up, so there I was, inner monolouging and pretending I was sleeping.


"Mickey!!!!" The red-head hollers for the hundreth time. "Mum says if you don't wake up now, we're going to be late!"

"Rose," I finally say, "I've been awake for ages. What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," she says angrily, "You're awake, but you aren't getting ready."

I get out of bed and face her. She's gotten taller over the summer, but so have I. "Well, you said your mom said that if I didn't wake up right away, we would be late. Not if I didn't start getting ready right away. You have to learn to be more specifc, Rosie." Then I run out of the room before she can respond.

Unfortunately, I bumped into someone on my way out. What is with me and bumping into people, right?

"Oh, sorry!" I say. Then I look up and groan at the sight of who it is.

"Mornin' Bubblegum." Frack.

"Fred, what are you doing here?" I say.

"I came last night." He says. "In fact, I came into the guest room and saw you sleeping. Did you know you talk in your sleep? You were dreaming of someone named Ginger. Is that your nickname for me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, first of all, that's creepy. Second off, don't be cocky. Ginger was my mom's cat. I hated him, he hated me. I'm more of a dog person."

"I love cats." Says Rosie, who's all ready to go. "Fred, Uncle George is looking for you."

Then he leaves and leaves us alone.

"Thank Goofy," I say. "Now I can go take a shower."

I grab my towel and head for the door, but Rosie stops me.

"What?" I say.

"Do you like him?" She says, clearly suppressing a smile.

"What? No!" I say. My hair (and my face) become a much brighter shade of pink. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Because we have exactly a year as best friends," she says, "and I know that he is the only guy that you even respond to when he's hitting on you. He's also the only guy you care enough about to blush with literally your whole body."

"That's only because he's my friend," I quickly say, "It's different when it's some stupid guy at Hogwarts I barely even know."

She says, "Yeah, okay," in disbelief, and I quickly change the subject.

"I made you something for our anniversary as the Second Golden Trio." I said. I ran to my bed and got it from the bottom of the bed in the guest room where I'm staying at.

"Happy Anniversary, Rosie!" I hug her tightly. I hand her the large poster board in which I spray painted "ROSE : Proud and Official Member of the Second Golden Trio" in gold.

"Thank you so much, Mickey!" She exclaims, and hugs me tight.

After we let each other go, I say, "I made one for myself and Albus as well. They're exactly the same, except with different names, of course."

While she hangs it up on the wall behind her bed, I go take a quick shower.

The truth is that I had awoken before everyone else and took a shower, but I just wanted to take some time to myself and think through some things, and showers are the best for that.

I think about multiple things, such as:

My mother - My mother has been working so much lately. That's why she left me here. I was getting kind of bored of being alone at home all the time. Also, she wouldn't have had time to take me to King's Cross herself.

Rosie and Al - I love them. They have become part of my family, and their parents love me as well. Before them, I never really had friends, just people I went to school with. I never thought that having friends could be so.... great.

Teddy - Teddy and I have gotten closer. I truly feel like he is my brother. Our personalities are similar in the sense that we have a headstrong attitude, but we're still very free spirited and have a good sense of humor. Also, we love pranking.

Fred - Oh Fred. He's been hitting on me since last year. This year, he, Roxy, and James are going to be in fourth year, and I'm gonna be in 2nd year. He's too old for me. Not only that, he annoys me more than I can handle.

I finished what I needed to do and we all went to school and began another normal year at Hogwarts.

Highlights of the year:
1. Pranks
2. Birthdays
3. Rosie and Al's Quidditch matchs. (Rosie was a Chaser and Al was a Seeker. I didn't join because I'm just not the sports person.)
4. Meeting Peeves. He's a great prankster.

Downsides to this year:
1. Class
2. Detention
3. Test
4. Class

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