Albus' Theory and The Plan

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(Part One - Albus' Theory)
Albus' POV:

"What?!?" Rosie says. "Albus, are you crazy?!?'"

"No, Rose!" I say. "I'm serious!"

"Well..." She says. "Well, I haven't seen it."

"Yeah, but I did!" I insist. "Mickey likes Scorpius! Why can't you just believe me?"

"Maybe because they hate each other!" She says. "They always have."

"Maybe her feelings have changed, I don't know! But how would you explain the blushing?" I say exasperated.

She thinks for a while, looks at Mickey who's talking to Abby, then says, "Well, you said that Trelawney was talking about dreams and that she denied that she even had a dream. Maybe she had an embarrassing dream."

"Maybe," I shrug. "I still think I'm right."

"I hate to burst your bubble, boy wonder," James said from behind us, "But Rosie is always right. It's like her super power ."

"Shut up James ." I mumble, then he hits me on the head. He squeezes between us then says, " What are you guys talking about?"

"Al has this ridiculous idea that Mickey has a crush on Scorpius ." Rosie says rolling her eyes .

James eyes go wide and I start explaining my theory . When I'm done , James looks incredibly surprised.

"See, I'm right this time!" I say .

"No little bro, I think you're still wrong . Mickey doesn't like Malfoy , she likes Fred."

"What do you mean?" Rosie asks.

"Well, while we were walking and talking, she would just glance at him and every time he talked she would blush like crazy ."

Just then, Rose's face lit up . " Maybe James and I are right . She could have had an embarrassing dream about Fred that made her realize she has a crush on him ."

"Are we just not even considering my option anymore?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Sure enough , they both say no at the same time . Then I say , "Okay , will you at least listen to my plan then?"

When they agree, I divulge my plan to get Mickey and Fred together and to find out what makes her blush so much.

I believe they were quite pleased.

(Part Two - The Plan)
Mickey's POV:
For our trip to Hogsmead , I decided to wear a gray sweater, gray pants, gray combat boots and a pink bow . I like the color gray . It blends in nicely and helps other accompanying colors pop. My pink hair and bow pop nicely in my gray attire.

Fred's POV:
I threw on a green shirt and jeans I'm pretty sure are dirty and the sneakers I wear everyday.

Mickey's POV:
I grab my permission form to Hogsmead (of course signed by Ms. Hermione) and meet Rosie and Al, then we head out.

Fred's POV :
I grab my permission form, and then James and I head out . As we walk towards the line, I see Mickey's beautiful bubblegum pink hair . I put my chin on her shoulder.

Mickey's POV:
In line, a chin lands on my shoulder and when I look to the side all I see is orange .

"Sup, Freddie ." I greet him .

Fred's POV :
I was so happy . That is the first time that she's called me that . So...

Mickey's POV :
He stands in front of me and hugs me . "Eww gross, get off!" I say with my arms firmly on my sides, not hugging him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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