Technology and Magic

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The wizarding world has started to modernize. The process is happening quite quickly, which is good for me especially. One may ask, 'why is this especially good for you, pink-haired one?' Well, here would be my answer to that question.

Out of all my friends, I am the only muggleborn. Well, I mean all my Weasley and Potter friends. I have other friends at Hogwarts that are muggleborn, but I don't hang with them as much.

Anyways, being the only muggleborn in a group can be exhausting, because it involves a lot of explaining. Like, the other day, Roxy and I were travelling to the mall by train. However, this was the muggle world train, so we were at the Underground. It took me a while to explain to her why she had to pass a card to get through the gates to the train. She was angry.

"Why do I need to do this? It's such a waste of time!"

"Roxy," I say, holding my glasses up and rubbing my eyes, "All you have to do is swipe the card, push the button, and walk through the gate. Simple."

"This is just ridiculous." She rages.

Anyway, back to the topic, now that the Wizarding world is modernizing, anything my friends have to know about the muggle world, they can just look up on the W.I. (Wizarding Internet). That way, they get an explanation they can fully understand. Less work for me.

Another great thing about this is cellphones. They are exactly like muggle cellphones, except they have been magically enforced so that they do work under such high frequency of magic. Yay.

Having a cellphone means having music. I, as a lover of the arts, of course love music. This gave me something to do when I was abandoned by my friends on the Hogwarts Express.

Being named prefects, both Al and Rosie had to go to a compartment especially for, well, prefects.

"Oh, come on, Mick," Al says, "You can't be angry with us. We didn't choose this, you know."

"Yeah, I know," I say, "But I'm still gonna be alone, which means you have abondened me." I sit down in the compartment and cross my arms.

"Mickey, we're sorry." Rosie says, all sad. "Please don't be mad."

I sigh a very long and dramatic sigh. "Fine, whatever. Go do your thang."

Al laughs. He thinks my "American way of expression" is hilarious. That's right, I keeps it real.

I get up and I hug my friends. I can't be mad at them for too long. 

"Oh," says Rosie suddenly, "I almost forgot."

She takes my wiPhone (magic version of an iPhone. Yep, they're still going strong.) out of her pocket wrapped in my earbuds. 

"You forgot this at home."

"Thanks." I hug her again.

I move to hug Albus again, but when I do, he starts to tickle me.

"Al, stop!" I say in between laughs. He stops after a while and kisses my cheek.

My anger melts away when I am tickled. Al knows this, and that's why he did it.

When they leave, I put in my earbuds and start listening to music. Most of my music is muggle music, and all of my muggle music was popular when I was a lot younger. This is because I don't like the music that is popular now. It's mostly techno. Not a fan.

I put a song called Drive By (by Train) and I start singing with my eyes closed. 

'On the other side of a street I knew

Stood a girl that looked like you.

I guess that's dejavu but

I thought this can't be true, cuz,

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