The Art Of Families

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I was barely to the living room when a huge bush of red hair covered my face.

"Oh my goodness, Mickey," Rosie cries, "You're okay! "

"Yeah, Rosie, I'm fine." I say, chuckling.

Then I move to hug Albus, who is right next to us. "We were so worried. How are you feeling?"

"Better than before," I admit.

Then I hug Teddy, who picks me up and says, "I missed you so much, little sis."

"I missed you too, big bro."

I go on to hug everyone and I feel a bit happier. This family is so big, and I kinda wish I was born into it in the way Teddy was. Not related by blood, but related none the less.


"Um, Mickey?" Mrs. Hermione asks behind me, with Mr. Ron at her side. "Can we talk to you in private real quick?"

"Of course," I say to her. I follow them to the kitchen and they turn to face me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Mickey, some papers have arrived for you," She says, "One of them include your mother's will."

My heart drops. I am a lot better, but it still hurts to know she won't be with me again. "Oh."

"I didn't want to read it, so I saved it for you to read." She takes papers out of the cupboard above us and hands them to me.

"Um," I say before taking them, "May you read them for me please? I-I don't think I can yet."

"Sure sweety." She says with a sweet smile. She reads it quickly and all she says is, "Well, all it says is that you get all her earthly possesions, including a large sum of money."

"Large sum?" I say. "What do you mean by that? We never had that much money."

"Yes, but it seems that when your grandparents died, they left all their money to her, but she refused to use any of it and instead left it to you." Says Mr. Ron.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"Yeah, but she left the money under supervision of whoever is your guardian until you are 21." Mrs. Hermione says. I'm totally fine with that, because what the heck am I going to do with all that money? "The problem is," she continues, "she doesn't list a specific legal guardian. Which leads to this letter."

She hands me another letter and says, "If you don't wanna read it, it basically says that if you don't have any family, you can either become independent, or you can choose who you want as your guardian."

"That's overwhelming." I speak the truth in my mind.

"Finally, if you don't know who you want to be with and you don't want to be independent yet, because you are only fifteen after all," she begins to ramble. Mr. Ron puts his hand on her shoulder and simply says, "Honey, get to the point."

She rolls her eyes at him and says, "Well, Ron and I would love it if you came to live with us."

My eyes grow. "A-are you serious?"

"Of course!" Mr. Ron says. "You are very comfortable here. Rosie and you are good friends, and Hugo likes you. Plus, the guest room is all yours."

"And you'd be in your same neighborhood. You won't have to move too far." Mrs. Hermione says super excited.

A huge smile grows on my face. "Of course I'll stay with you! I would love to be part of the family officially!"

"Oh, honey, you were already part of the family." she says.

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