The Swifts

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Sorry for the long wait! I've had major writers block.

On with the story.


The Swifts


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while starring into my eyes. I see a hint of a blush on his tan cheeks.

I smile brightly at him.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend."

He smiles and grabs my hand. We hold hands while we sit in silence. I finally look up and notice that he's staring at me. I finally get the courage to ask him a question.

"Taylor, what do you think about going to dinner with my family tonight?"

"I think that's a brilliant idea. Are sure your parents won't mind?"

"Of course not. They will love you!" I say to him.

We walk back to the hotel after having a nice meal. Our hands intertwined in between us. We talk about our families. I was in the middle of a story about my brother Austin when he stops walking. We're standing inches apart now. He leans in and kisses me, softly at first but the kiss quickly becomes more urgent. His arms are wrapped around me, while mine wrap around his neck. We slowly come to a stop. My eyes open and I smile brightly at him.

"Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?"

"I couldn't help myself. The way you talk about you family with so much love. It made me want to kiss you."

"We'll than I guess I should talk more often" I say with a giggle.


I stand in the lobby waiting for Taylor. My parents went a head to the restaurant. I'm dressed in white dress with my hair slightly curled. I never liked girls who dressed up for their boyfriends, girls who wore shorter dresses and wore too much make up. But I feel like I should have dressed better. I sigh and look down at my dress. I wonder if I can go back up to my room and change.

"You look beautiful blue eyes." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and my eyes meet his.

"Thank you Taylor." I say while smiling at the ground. My cheeks are red and I'm sure I look like a tomato.

He puts his finger under my chin and lifts me head up. My eyes meet his again. He stares at me just before leaning in and pecking me on the lips. He steps back and intertwines our hands. He leads us towards the direction of the restaurant.

We walk into the restaurant hand in hand. I look around for my family and notice them sitting by the open windows. We head towards them and I can feel Taylor's grip in my hand tighten. I peek a look at him and notice the slight nerves look. I giggle while squeezing his hand. We finally get to the table and my family stands.

"Mom, Dad, Austin, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Taylor."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Taylor has told me wonderful things about you." He gives them a charming smile.

"Oh Taylor it's so nice to meet you! Taylor has been smitten over you for the past few days." My mom laughs.

I blush and let out a giggle.

"Nice to meet you man." My brother expands a fist which Taylor meets with his.

"Well Taylor. It's nice to meet you. Please sit down and let's have some dinner." My dad finally says.

We all sit down and I see Taylor relax. My family quickly asks Taylor more questions. I lean forward as Taylor explains more about himself. I glance around the table and notice the looks on my family. They have a look of complete interest. They all have smiles on their faces. Taylor is the first boy they have met and had a conversation with. Most boys simply are to quiet and nerves. Or don't stick around long enough to meet my parents. I can tell my family likes Taylor. For the first time I think they believe this is serious. That I'm not just some teen in love. I squeeze Taylor's hand which I'm still holding. He looks at me briefly while still telling a story. He squeezes my hand back.


We're walking down the beach after dinner. Taylor has his arm wrapped around me ending at my hip. I'm leaning into his side. Dinner went by easily. My family headed back to the hotel and Taylor led me to the beach. We spoke at first, but it quickly died down. I

"Taylor what's gonna happen once we head back home?" I say quietly. We stop walking and he stands in front of me.

"We're still going to be together if that's what your worried about. I'm not letting what we have break apart."

I smile and lean in to kiss him.

We break apart after a while. He lets out a breath and looks me in the eyes.

"Taylor I...."


Well there's that chapter.

What do you think he's going to say?

Please please please leave a comment. It would mean the world to me and in courage me to write more!!!

Till next time!

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