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We head back to the pool and the boys jump in. I slip out of my sandals and remove my sunglasses and set them on the chairs. I then pull off Austin's old tee. When I look up I notice Taylor and Joe staring. Austin then splashes them and swims away. I giggle as I hop into the water. Swimming over towards the boys I splash them both.

"Enjoying the view?" I giggle as they both blush.

I kiss Taylor on the cheek, then swim away and head towards Austin. He's leaning on the side of the pool staring at a girl tanning in the sun. I decide to splash him as well but before I can I'm splashed from behind. I turn to see two very smug boys. A smirk is playing on Joes face.

"Oh this is war." I state. For the next half hour the four of us chase each other around the pool, splashing each other. I can tell the other guests are annoyed by us but we ignore them. I'm cornered by all three of the boys when a man walks towards us.

"Excuse me, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you four to leave. You are disrupting the other guests and any splashing is prohibited."

We hop out and grab our stuff. We're all giggling as we head back into the hotel. We separate and agree to meet for dinner.


The night is going great. Joe and Taylor are actually getting along and Austin seems to fit in well with the guys. We are laughing at a story Joe is telling us. When I notice a man approach us. My smile fades as I recognize who it is.

The boys quickly notice my change of mood.

"Joe." I whisper as he reaches us.

He puts his huge hand on Joes shoulder.



Oooo. I wonder who it is.

Short chapter but I promised a quick update!

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