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A/N: Make sure you stay hydrated!

"Could you pass me that lighter?" Suna asked as he finished rolling up his blunt

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"Could you pass me that lighter?" Suna asked as he finished rolling up his blunt. You picked up the black mini lighter, and passed it to him.
He sparked it up, inhaling some smoke before exhaling it out. The two of you were currently in his car, parked in some random parking lot, the time read 1:30 A.M

You and Suna have been close friends ever since y'all were first years. Throughout high school you never found him attractive or anything in that source, until a year ago after you guys graduated. Every time you two are alone you'd get awkward or your face would get hot. You're surprised he hasn't noticed yet, the way you act around him.

You started zoning out, and Suna notices "Hey" he nudges you "You good?"

"Yeah sorry, I just zoned out for a sec" you shifted awkwardly in the passenger seat.

He chuckles "No need to apologize, it's okay" he takes one more hit before offering you, you decline "You know I don't smoke"

"I know, I'm just fucking with you" he shifts his body towards you "That's what I like about you, you're so innocent"

Innocent? Boy bye

"Innocent? Please I'm far from that, if only you knew" you turned your head the opposite direction to look out the window, it was a full moon tonight.

The car falls silent. You turn back to look at him, he lazily smiles at you, you could tell he was high already "So your telling me little Y/N likes to get naughty? Mhm?" He starts leaning in close to your face.

You lean back in your seat as he comes close, a sudden wave of confidence hits you "Yeah maybe I do, what about it?" You raise an eyebrow.

He looks surprised by your remark, clearly enjoying this sudden tension you guys have. He stops an inch away from your face "I would like to see it" he grins "I'm a visual learner you know"

You sat there just staring at him, processing what he just said.

You know what, fuck it

You decided to be brave and reach for the recliner to pull his seat back, pulling him down along with it. And without hesitation you hopped out your seat and on top of him, straddling the fuck out of him.

 And without hesitation you hopped out your seat and on top of him, straddling the fuck out of him

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Suna puts his hands on your waist hesitantly, almost like he's scared to touch you.

"Y/n" he whispers, Your hands were placed on his chest. "I'm sorry did I go too far?" You say removing them.

"NO you didn't do anything wrong, it's fine" he smiles at you and you place them back on him.

The car falls silent as you guys stare at each other.

I have to tell you something, and I feel like right now is good time" Suna lightly grips your waist. You nod, lowkey nervous about what he's going to say.

"I like you Y/n, like a lot...and I have for a while now, I realized it, and I didn't wanna say anything because I thought it would ruin our friendsh-

You cut Suna off by kissing him, your soft lips meet with his which caught him by surprise. You pull away with the biggest smile on your face.

"Finally you dummy!" you playfully hit his chest "I like you too but I was too scared to tell you.

The two of you bust out laughing, neither of you would've thought this day would come. The laughing dies down and you guys just stare at each other, smiling hard.

"Can we kiss again?" He asks rubbing his hands up down your waist. You nod placing your lips back onto his, this time Suna decides to add his tongue. He grabs your waist pulling you more into him, things take a quick turn.

Suna pulls away "Can I make you feel good?" He places a hand on your cheek

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Suna pulls away "Can I make you feel good?" He places a hand on your cheek.

You think for a second before agreeing "Yes you can"

"Okay, Turn the other way, facing the wheel" he says reclining his seat back up a little.

You do as he says, your back was on his chest and your legs were up on the dashboard. He leans your head back bringing you into a kiss while slipping you out your pants, along with your underwear.

"You sure" he says between kisses, you nod a little bit to quickly.

"Use your words y/n"

You mentally roll your eyes "Yes Suna you can"

He spreads your legs open so that your all splayed out. He breaks the kiss bringing his two fingers up to your mouth "Suck on em"

You obeyed shoving his fingers in your mouth, slowly sucking them while staring directly at him. He bite his lip watching the way your tongue swirled around his fingers, turning him on even more.

"Good girl" he slowly pulls his fingers away, making a popping sound come from your lips. He brings his lips back onto yours while his wet fingers begin to travel to your cunt, giving it a small tap before rubbing your clit slowly.

At first first your body shivers at how cold his fingers are against your warm vulva, but after a while you start to get used to it, slowly grinding your hips, feeling the pleasure build up.

"Does it feel good?" Suna asks between kisses. "Mhmm" is all you can reply with.

He then decides to sticks a finger inside you, giving him easy access with your arousal.

"You're so beautiful Y/N"

"You like my fingers inside you don't you? Yeah you do, you're such a slut"

"Gosh I've always dreamed of this day to make you feel good"

His fingers go back to your throbbing clit, rubbing it more vigorously than before.

"I wanna make you feel good everyday"

"I love your smile"

"I like the way you make me smile every time"

"Suna!" you yelp out loud, you didn't wanna cut him off so soon but....

"Yes baby?"

"You're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that" you leaned your head back into the crook of his neck.

Suna chuckles "That's the whole point baby, I want you to cum all over my fingers"


𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙺𝚉 & 𝙵𝙴𝚃𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙴𝚉Where stories live. Discover now