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The laughter of children in the background took her back to the Dumping Ground. There was never a dull moment. Back then, Elektra didn't have a care in the world. She didn't have to fend for herself. She had a family. Even when there was fighting, she could never truly hate anyone because she knew that somehow things would work out.

Sighing, she wondered whether she was doing the right thing. Since that awkward meeting at Hyde Park, Elektra couldn't stop thinking if there still could be something there. She had found herself looking up the school and now here she was, standing outside the school gates not entirely sure of her plan of action.

As the students left the school, some chatting to their mates and others waiting for siblings, she realised how much she had lost. Never before had she valued school to this degree and now she saw how school really was a haven. A sanctuary from the real world, and a place to discover your true talents. She would love to be continuing with Psychology now, as well as English and Music. She could have gotten decent grades in A-Levels and maybe have progressed to university.

No, it was too painful to think about. At least, if she saved up a little money she could buy some books. Teach herself.

As the crowds of pupils dissipated, Elektra finally awoke to her surroundings. It was pathetic. She could be out having a great time with Callie, or doing extra shifts, or teaching herself yet here she was mourning over a lost love. She needed to get a grip.

Departing in strides, she resolved to return home and tell Callie about her future plans. As to whether or not Callie would let her go, well, that was a different matter entirely.

A hand thumped down on her shoulder, and Elektra spun around suddenly mouth open and about to scream.


"Elektra..." he breathed. "Did you come to see me? Can we talk?... Where have you been? You weren't answering none of Frank's calls and we just thought you'd forgotten about us and... sorry, too many questions..."

Fortunately, Elektra hadn't been listening to Liam ramble on. She'd just been staring wide-eyed and was fighting the urge to press his head to hers and kiss him.

"Uh..." was just about all she could manage. Smooth.

Liam let out a meek smile.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," she stated somewhat bewildered. Waving goodbye to his mates, Liam led Elektra to a nearby café and ordered some coffee. She could really do with a wake-up call since she had no idea what she was doing.

"So... where the hell have you been?" Liam asked grinning, leaning forwards. Elektra took this time to analyse him. He had grown a fair bit taller than she was, and had started to take care of his hair and image, and she could see the stiff spikes of gelled hair sticking up awkwardly. Yet, he still had that cheeky grin lingering on his lips.

Realising that she was delaying in her answer she responded with another question. "Where have you been?"

Liam frowned at the change of subject but told Elektra about his new life, his friends, the parties, his love for music. She listened patiently, absorbing his happiness and feeling proud that he had his happy ending. He deserved it.

"I also... have had a few girlfriends, but nothing too serious, I mean, I'm still single now. I guess it's kind of been hard for me."

Elektra stifled a laugh. Hard for Liam to get girls? Now that was something new...

"How do you mean?" she asked, recovering quickly.

"It's been hard for me to... well, to get over you," he concluded. Elektra suddenly sat up in her seat. Was this a dream?

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