Chapter 10

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George slowly opened his eyes as Dream tried waking him up. "Huh?"

"We need to go find more supplies today."

Goerge looked to his side, seeing Sapnap was up already. He sat up, stretching. He realized he was still on the couch.

"Niki already left. She left a note saying she went to find food too."

"Okay." George was still confused on when he fell asleep on the couch.

"Here." Dream handed George some raisins and walnuts.

"Thanks." George started eating, he didn't really like the raisins but ate them anyway.

Dream and Sapnap put on their bags. Once George finished eating he grabbed his and they headed down the tunnel.

Niki was searching for more food near where her and Dream had been the day before. She figured if they found food there before maybe there'd be more.

She reached the spot where they had been the day before. She stopped, seeing the fruit they had left behind was wilted and roten. "What" She mumbled to herself.

Dream and Sapnap froze, hearing a plane overhead. Sapnap pulled George down.

"Shh" Sapnap kept hold of George's arm.

George looked up seeing a play fly over the trees.

Niki backed up under a tree hearing the plane coming. She looked up seeing it lowering in the clearing where they had found the grapes. "Why would they land here, they know I'm here." Still she stayed back knowing they would kill her if she tried getting closer. She watched as they laid a young girl on a dirt patch, placing a bag next to her. Niki shot her head back, she swore one of them looked straight at her.

The plane took off, heading the way it came.

Dream, Sapnap and George looked up, their eyes following the plane as it flew back past them. They looked at each other then turned towards where the plane had gone before turning around.

Niki walked over to where the plane had landed. She saw the girl asleep on the ground. She bent down next to her. "Hello" She whispered in a soft voice.

The young girl slowly sat up and looked around. "Huh? Where am I?" She looked around confused. "Who are you?" She looked up at Niki as she pushed her hair out of her face.

Niki almost melted, the little girl looked too young to be here. They knew she was there, they knew she'd find her. "I'm Niki." She smiled.

"Hi Niki." She replied, still out of it.

"Do you know your name?" Niki sat down in front of the girl.

"Drista" She tilted her head slightly looking behind Niki. "Who are they?"

Niki turned around seeing Dream with George and Sapnap behind him, all three out of breath.

"" Dream paused taking breaths "Is...going...on?"

"What do you think idiot." Sapnap asked, looking at Dream as he sat down.

George sat down next to Sapnap both of them trying to get their breath back.

"I think she's the last one for us." Niki said turning around but still sitting.

"What?" Drista asked.

George looked between Dream and Drista. They both looked similar.

"Here come on." Niki reached out her hand. "We'll explain once we're safe."

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