Yeonjun - headache

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Yeonjun's pov 

It was getting late in the afternoon and all of us were still practicing our vocals in the studio. My eyes started to hurt and I tightly shut them. I rubbed my tired eyes multiple times and blinked constantly. No one saw my weird action and continued singing in front of the microphones. I sighed heavy as I waited for my line and tapped my foot on the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. I have to meet up with one of my employees. Great job today," he complimented us and left. I smiled slightly and we started packing up our stuff and headed home. While we were in the car, I felt my head hurt and I couldn't see straight. I gazed out the window and grinned as I held my hand on my neck.

I noticed Soobin was staring at me and I began to feel uncomfortable. I hid my face with my long hair and closed my eyes. Soon after, we arrived at our dorm. I hastily opened my eyes and black fuzzy dots sparkled all around me. I shook my head and hopped out of the car while grabbing my bag.

Soobin's pov

I seemed to notice Yeonjun acting weird for no reason. I questioned myself many times and randomly guessed what was wrong with him. I bit my lip as I watched him walk with the others to the building. I thanked our manager for driving us home and followed the group.

"Yay, home-" Beomgyu said weakly and flopped himself on the couch. Everyone laughed and did the same, all but Yeonjun. He gently set his bag on the counter and dug through his bag. He pulled out his phone and immediately stared at it while scrolling through things. I curiously watched him as I was chilling on the sofa.

Yeonjun's pov

I didn't want to be the only one who went upstairs, so I painfully decided to stay downstairs with the others until someone went upstairs. I was looking through my phone and I couldn't bear the amount of pain my head was causing. I wanted to crash down on the floor and pass out. I touched it and it was burning so bad. My reaction was priceless as my eyes widened in fear. I gulped loudly and slowly glared at my phone again.

It was 8:00 at night and I was laying on my bed, curled up in a tight ball. The thick blankets almost completely covered my face. I smelled food from downstairs and groaned while coughing loudly. I shut my eyes while struggling to breathe. I sat up straight and hunched over as I held my sweaty hand over my head.

As minutes went by, my headache was causing so much agony, I stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed some pain killers. I didn't even think about how much I poured out of the small container. At least four pills went into my mouth one at a time while drinking a butt load of cold water. I groaned and bent over the sink while squinting my eyes shut. I soon heard a booming knock on the door and I jumped in shock.

"Yeonjun, time to eat," Huening Kai called out to me and I sighed in relief. I replied back in a scratchy voice and walked out of the bathroom. I met the members downstairs and Soobin glared at me. I tried to ignore him and I quickly made a plate of food. I sat down at the table and everyone was talking and laughing. I smiled and laughed at times so I wouldn't draw attention to anyone. I didn't eat much of my dinner because of all the pills I mistakenly took. Everything was going great, until Soobin asked me something with a rude and annoyed tone.

"Why are you so pale, Yeonjun?" he asked and glared at me with mean eyes and grinned. Everyone turned their heads towards me and I stuttered. I looked over at everyone in embarrassment and shrugged my shoulders.

"No reason. I didn't- seem to notice," I quickly coughed out in a hoarse voice. They went back to having their own conversations, as if nothing happened, but Soobin watched me like a fucking hawk.

The next day I woke up to more pain than last night and it was very early in the morning. I looked over at my roommate and even he wasn't up. I slid out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I was pale and my lips had absolutely no colour in them. I opened the cabinet and grabbed the painkillers container. I hesitated to open the lid, but I took them out anyway. This time I took five pills and I knew I was making a huge mistake. I stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour until coming out.

The sun was already up and I heard noises downstairs. Someone was already up and there was no way anyone could see me looking like trash. I silently went back to my room and hid under the covers. I only got a good twenty minutes of sleep before I heard Beomgyu call out from downstairs.

"Guys, come down here now!" he shouted with anger. He never yells at us like that, even if he's mad. I had no other choice but to go downstairs. I quickly went to the bathroom and put a little bit of lipstick on so my lips had colour. Then I fast walked down the hallway and made it downstairs. Beomgyu had the container of empty painkillers in his hand. Oh shit I thought to myself. I'm so done.

"Who used all the pain killers? It was completely full yesterday morning," Beomgyu questioned us and held up the bottle. I started to grind my teeth in fear and stood straight. Everyone said no including me but Beomgyu didn't believe us.

"I know one of you did this," he said again and I hesitated to say no this time. Everyone glared at me and just as I was going to say something our manager came in our dorm.

"Time for dance practice. You guys are late," he told us and I immediately left the living room. I locked myself in my room and paced around the room. My head was spinning in pain and I clasped with a loud thud on the cold ground. I passed out when my body hit the floor and I don't remember what happened next.

Beomgyu's pov

We all heard a loud booming thud from upstairs and everyone glanced at each other. All of us raced to the top and banged on Yeonjun's door. Soobin tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed a spare key for the door. Soon, he opened it and we found Yeonjun laying on the wooden floor. I was dumbfounded at the intense site.

"Yeonjun?" Taehyun called out to him and Huening Kai shook is head sadly.

"What happened to him?" I asked in a worried voice. 

"I don't know. He just passed out," Soobin replied and gently picked him up. He walked over to his bed and laid him down. I watched him for a few minutes until our manager came in the room. I glanced down at the empty bottle of painkillers and sadly had an idea on who used all of the pills. I sighed and choked on my own tears as I looked at him sleeping.

Yeonjun's pov

I finally woke up and I sat up slowly while seeing that everyone was staring at me. I looked behind me and noticed I was on a bed underneath covers. I raised an eyebrow and felt embarrassed.

"You okay?" Soobin asked me in a sour tone. I nodded and grinned and picked at the sheets. He then asked me if I used all the pills and I almost cried while nodding my head yes. He sighed and sat down on the bed beside me. I cried in my sweaty hands and he hugged me gently.

• • •

Soon after, Yeonjun told everyone about his headaches and pain issues and he got a few days off to relax and get better. All the members were still shocked that he managed to finish a whole bottle of painkillers in less than 24 hours. After that, Yeonjun was healthy again and he went straight back into being an idol.


hope you enjoyed reading this long-ass story! 

love y'all 

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