Yeonjun - toxic

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The dark clouds consumed the golden sunrise as morning set. It was a peaceful day for the group. No dance rehearsals and no vocal practices. They very rarely have days off in their job, so they use their free time wisely. The dorm room was quiet and vacant—no sudden movements. Bang!

An abrupt noise came from the living room, but there was no one in the room. Neither shadows or footsteps were heard or seen. If there was nothing there, what caused that noise?

A few minutes later, Soobin came into the living room to check out what made the noise. He was later followed by Yeonjun and Beomgyu

"You heard it too?" Beomgyu asked the males as they observed the empty room. Yeonjun nodded his head but Soobin had a different response.

"How the hell could you not? It does not make any sense. There is nothing here," he announced to the others. Beomgyu shrugged as he crossed his arms loosely and glanced at Yeonjun, who seemed off. Beomgyu gave him a look of confusion and Yeonjun noticed immediately.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Beomgyu exclaimed at Yeonjun. Soobin jerked his head around to view the scene. Yeonjun widened his eyes as if Beomgyu had a hole in his face.

"Woah, what are you talking about? There is absolutely nothing wrong with me," Yeonjun stated aggressively back at Beomgyu. Soobin ran up in between the fighting boys before they started tackling each other to the ground. Beomgyu stayed silent and Yeonjun scoffed at him as he looked away.

"Okay, calm down before you two start punching each other and Yeonjun tackles you with his dagger," Soobin explained and Beomgyu glared at Yeonjun in frustration. Yeonjun's mouth opened slightly as he gave Soobin a death glare.

"You have a fucking dagger lying around in this dorm!" Beomgyu exclaimed angrily. Soobin bit his lip, regretting every word he mentioned in that sentence. He definitely has a death wish, and Yeonjun will most likely fulfill that wish.

"Soobin said that—not me. And even if I do have a dagger I would not use it on any of you," he announced truthfully, but his voice was deep and full of rage. Soobin at this point was about to jump out of their window, but he could not. He noticed Beomgyu shaking his head, as if he were saying, I do not believe you Yeonjun.

The three males were not the only ones in on the dramatic scene. Taehyun and Kai were sitting along the rail in the hallway, listening and watching. They were more intrigued and silent than a cheetah hunting its meal. Yeonjun was the one to notice them sneaking in on their peaceful conversation. Beomgyu wanted to attack Yeonjun, but Soobin held him tight around his waist.

"Why are you so strong, Beomgyu?" Soobin stated, struggling deeply to keep him off of Yeonjun. Beomgyu chuckled to himself and freed himself effortlessly from Soobin's grip. Yeonjun softly screamed when Beomgyu flung himself on top of him—both were greeted by the cold wooden floor. Oh, how immature can young adult males be?

"Get the hell off me, Beomgyu!" Yeonjun yelled angerly at him, but he did not listen. Instead, he continued to tackle the defenceless boy. Soobin tried to help Beomgyu but he was very determined.

"Oh boy," Taehyun whispered from behind the railing. "I better go save his ass." Taehyun was about to help them, but Kai grabbed his hand and shook his head.

"Do you really want to get into the middle of that? They can be pretty savage to each other when they fight," Kai warned him as he sat him down. Taehyun sighed heavily as he watched the boys fighting each other.

"They are going to kill each other one day. Their relationship makes no sense," he stated and the boy glared at him in wonder.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" he yelled on accident. The fighting males ceased and glared up at the others on the railing. Taehyun groaned and banged his head on the metal bar in embarrassment. Beomgyu glared at Yeonjun, smacked his chest roughly, and rolled off him. Soobin walked over to Yeonjun and grabbed his hand to help him off the ground. How come Yeonjun looked perfectly fine, but Beomgyu was a wreck?

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with a toxic smell. Giant clouds of toxic chemicals were filling the room quickly. Everyone was covering their eyes and coughing, struggling to breathe. No one could view a thing. The clouds were extremely thick, they could barely see the person beside them. Beomgyu examined the room and found his way to the exit door.

"Everyone! I found the door. Hurry your ass up if you wanna live!" he shouted at the members, as they were being consumed by the toxin. Almost all if them made it out of the room. Yeonjun and Kai were trapped inside of the room. Kai fell unconscious, and Yeonjun was not far away from it as well.

The rest of the group made it out of their hallway, leaving the door wide open. Soobin glanced back at the others and stopped immediately once he counted only three people.

"Wait! Stop—where is Yeonjun and Kai?" he shouted as he was coughing and panting rapidly. They all halted and glanced around. A few of them shrugged, but most of them were just trying to breathe again.

"Are they still in the house?" Beomgyu asked Soobin full of anxiety. He nodded as he response and Beomgyu groaned in annoyance and paced around.

"They are both going to die unless they get out of the room!" he exclaimed and ran back towards their dorm room. Taehyun shouted at him but he could not hear him and continued to run away. Even the hallway that led to their dorm was covered with the toxic smoke. It would be a miracle if Yeonjun and Kai were still conscious—or even still alive.

Once Beomgyu entered the room, he could barely see his own hands in front of his face. The clouds of toxin became so thick it burned your eyes, throat, and even skin. He hastily began ransacking the room, trying to find Yeonjun and Kai before it is too late. He heard a faint coughing sound near the steps leading to the second floor. He shuffled around the floor, feeling every object he came in contact with. Then—he felt one of the two males, lying on the floor. Dead or alive.

"Hey, wake up! We need to get out of here," he softly yelled at the male, unaware who it was. The male neither responded nor moved a muscle, even when Beomgyu was shaking him aggressively.

"I—," a hoarse voice came from the male, lying on the floor. Beomgyu heard the almost inaudible tone, and leaned closer to hear him speak. "Can not—breathe."

Goddamn it. It was Yeonjun. No one could mimic a perfect voice like his, even if people tried. Beomgyu felt around for Kai but had no luck at all. He and Hanse must have gotten separated somehow. Beomgyu picked Yeonjun up and quickly carried him out of the room, meeting the others as well.

"You are missing someone!" Taehyun shouted while his hand covered his mouth as his eyes were barely open. Beomgyu did not say anything–hell he could not speak. He inhaled the toxin for too long. It was a pure miracle that Yeonjun did not die in that room, or Beomgyu.

"Kai is still inside! I could not find him!" Beomgyu yelled back in between coughs as he sat Yeonjun on the ground, placing his head on his chest. Soobin ran into the room with Taehyun, trying to find where Kai was trapped. Yeonjun became conscious again, but he had absolutely no energy. He felt too exhausted to even move. Beomgyu glanced down at him and smiled. Eventually, Taehyun and Soobin came out of the room with Kai in their arms, unconscious. All of them were relieved no one died today, but who caused this attack will remain a mystery.

"Oh, the things you do to get my attention," Beomgyu said to Yeonjun in a soothing tone. Yeonjun smiled and looked into his eyes as if they were in a fairytale.

"Now you guys like each other? What the fuck!" Soobin exclaimed throwing his hands up and walked away. Everyone laughed at his comment and smiled.

"You know that I am toxic."Yeonjun said to Beomgyu.


hope you enjoyed reading this part!

love y'all 

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