Chapter 2: We meet again.

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At School.

Scott and Stiles met up with their friends and they went to class together. Stiles couldn't stop thinking about Derek. He kept getting distracted when he was with his friends. "Hey Stiles." Said Allison. Stiles didn't answer. "Stiles." Said Lydia. Stiles didn't answer. "Yo Stiles." Said Issac. Stiles didn't answer again. "Oh my god." Said Scott. "Stiles!" Scott shouted. "H-huh?" Said Stiles. "Ugh, finally." Said Lydia. "We have been calling you. You idiot." Said Malia. "Oh sorry. I was thinking about something." Said Stiles. "Who were you thinking about stiles?" Said Scott as he winked at Stiles. "N-no one." Said Stiles. "Oh right yeah you are in denial." Said Scott. "S-shut up s-Scott." Said Stiles. "What's he in denial about Scott?" Said Kira. "I'm not in denial he's lying." Said Stiles. "I know he's gay but he's in denial." Said Scott. "What!" Everyone shouted expect Scott and Stiles. Lydia became sad and Malia became angry.

After school in the woods.

"So Issac is a werewolf too?" Stiles asked. "Yeah, he is." Said Scott. "Ethan and Aiden are werewolf's that combined into one big werewolf, Jackson is half werewolf and half Kanima, Lydia is a banshee, Malia is a werecoyote and Kira is a Kitsune Said Issac. "Oh my f**king god." Said Stiles. "Yeah and Allison knows because her dad used to be a werewolf hunter." Said Scott. "What the f**k! That's so much to take in." Said Stiles as he bumped into Derek. Derek catched Stiles like a Princess. They stared into each other's eyes. "What where you're going princess." Said Derek in a flirty way. Derek winked at Stiles. Stiles blushed. Lydia and Malia got angry at Derek. "Put him down now Derek!" Malia shouted. Derek rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to put you down princess?" Asked Derek. "Of course he does." Said Lydia. "I wasn't asking you banshee." Said Derek looking at Lydia. Derek looked back at Stiles. "Well do you cutie?" "I-I don't m-mind." Said Stiles still blushing. "See he doesn't mind." Said Derek Smirking. "Just give him to me." Said Malia taking Stiles putting him in her arms. Malia smiled and blushed.

Stiles looked confused as he got up from Malia's arms. "What are you doing?" Asked Malia. "This is what Derek did." Malia said. "I know but I wasn't thinking straight." Said Stiles. All the boys knowing he's lying. "Yeah you were thinking gay." Said Aiden. All the boys except Derek and Stiles started laughing. Derek Smirked and Stiles blushed again. "L-leave me a-alone." Said Stiles. Derek pulled Stiles towards him and they both blushed. Stiles blushed more. "Oh come on cutie. I'm not that bad." Said Derek. "You sure about that Derek." Said Ethan. All the boys laughed except for Derek and Stiles. Stiles giggled and Derek looked at Ethan with a death stare. Then Derek looked back at Stiles and Smiled. "Oh my god why is he so cute. I'm falling in love so much." Said Derek in his head. "Alright let's go to the house. Also nice meeting you again Princess." Said Derek.

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