Chapter 3: Are you following me?

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5 weeks later at Stiles house in Stiles room.

Stiles is on his laptop looking at pictures of Derek while waiting for his dad to get home from the police station where he works when his Scott walks in. "Hey Stiles..."Said Scott. Stiles slammed his laptop closed. Scott laughed. "I-it's not what it looked!" Said Stiles. "Sure it wasn't." Scott replied as he winked. Stiles blushed and his face went red. "Anyway Lydia invited us to her party you wanna come?" Scott asked. "Yeah, sure." Stiles answered. "Cool. Get changed." Said Scott. "Ok, but I need to tell my dad first." Replied Stiles. "Ok, but be quick." Said Scott. "Alright." Said Stiles. After Stiles texted Noah and Noah replied "ok but be home in 5 hours." "My dad said I can but I have to be home in 5 hours." Said Stiles. "Ok get dressed then." Said Scott. "Alright." Said Stiles. After Stiles got dressed. "Alright I'm ready." Said Stiles. "Great let's go." Said Scott. "Ok." Said Stiles.

At Lydia's house when everyone was there. "Hey Scott. Hey Stiles." Said Lydia. "Hey Lydia." Said Scott. "Hey Lydia." Said Stiles. Lydia blushed. "C-come in." Said Lydia. "Thanks." Said Scott and Stiles. Scott and Stiles walked into her house. "Hey Scott." Kira, Malia and Allison said. "Hey guys." Said Scott. Issac got Jealous. Scott saw Issac and went over to him. "Hey Issac. How are you?" Said Scott. "Oh Hey Scott. I'm great thanks. How are you?" Said Issac. "I'm good." Said Scott. "Can I sit next to you?" Scott asked. "Yeah sure." Issac answered. Malia, Kira and Allison got Jealous angry and sad. Malia like Scott and Stiles so she's jealous when they talk to someone other then her. Malia and Lydia wanted Stiles to sit next to them. But he decided to sit next to Scott and the arm of the sofa.

In the middle of the party.

*Knock, Knock, Knock* There was a Knock on the door so Lydia answered it. "Hel..." Said Lydia when she saw Derek standing at her door. "Derek what are you doing here?" Lydia Asked. "I didn't invite you." Said Lydia. "Oh I know. Scott did." Derek replied. "What!" Said Lydia in shock. Scott came to the door. "Hey Derek." Said Scott. "Hey Scott." Said Derek. "I hope you don't mind I invited him Lydia." Said Scott. "No I don't mind at all." Said Lydia angry. "Great. Come in Derek." Said Scott. "Thanks. See ya banshee." Said Derek. "Hey guys look who's here." Said Scott. Everyone looked over. "Hey Derek." Said Everyone except Lydia, Malia, Derek, Scott and Stiles. Malia and Lydia was angry Derek was here. Scott was happy Derek was here because he shipped Derek and Stiles together. Stiles blushed that Derek was here. "Hey guys." Said Derek. Derek sat next to Stiles who was still blushing. "Hey princess." Derek Said. "H-hey Derek." Stiles replied. Derek smirked and blushed a little. Malia and Lydia got even more angry. Scott sat back next to Issac. Issac put his arm around Scott. Scott blushed a lot and Issac blushed a little thinking Scott's cute. Malia got even more angry and Kira and Allison got angry.

After the party at Stiles's house.

When stiles got to his house he went straight to his room and the window was wide open. Before stiles got ready for bed he heard something from his window so he went over. Stiles said "Hello. Is anyone there?" No one replied. Stiles went back in his and got ready for bed. He heard a noise again so he went back to the window. "Hello. Is anyone there." Stiles said again. No one answered. But just he was about to shut the window and get into bed he saw the top of someone's head. "Hey. I can see you?" Stiles said. Stiles looked at his door to see if his dad was there and when he looked back he saw Derek standing there. Stiles was shocked because he didn't know Derek knew where he lived. "Hey princess." Derek said as he winked. Stiles blushed a little. "H-How did you know where I live?" Stiles Asked. "Oh I... uh..." Derek Said. "Are you following me?" Said Stiles. "What of course not." Derek Said. "Then what are you doing here?" Stiles Asked. "I just wanted to see what my princess is doing." Said Derek. Stiles blushed and said " I was just about to go to sleep." "Oh ok can I come up?" Derek Asked. "Why?" Stiles asked. "Because I want to. So can I?" Said Derek. "O-ok if you want to." Stiles Said. "Cool." Derek said. Derek climbed through Stiles's window. Derek said "Thanks for letting me come up." "N-No problem." Said Stiles. Derek looked at Stiles blushing and kissed him. Stiles kissed him back. They fell in Stiles's bed and kept kissing.

10 minutes later.

They laid in bed togetherness Stiles asked "Hey Derek. Why did you kiss me?" "Because I like you?" Said Derek. "Oh I-I like you too." Said Stiles. "Great." Derek Said. Derek kissed Stiles again and Stiles kissed him back. Then they both went to sleep together.

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