Part 1

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The pounding group of feet passed by my desk, ignoring the insignificant boy behind it. All of the strikingly dressed people were either on their cell phones talking to their managers, or were managers talking to their clients. This was the normal day in the life o-

"EXCUSE ME," a person snapped in front of the desk, forcing me out of my daze.

"Oh, so sorry, ma'am. How may I help you?" Speaking the mandatory response that I use whenever someone is there. But the sequins on her yellow jacket were blinding me. Literally though, I think I might lose my vision by the time we finish talking.

"I NEEEEED TO SEE MARSHALL LEE!" She slurred her words indicating that she was intoxicated, and somehow oblivious to the customary inside voice that they drill into your head during preschool.

"Do you have an appointment?" I squint, and ask already seeing that she probably doesn't have one.


'Of course you do,' I thought to myself. This is literally the fifth person this week that is amazingly drunk during the day, and asking for Marshall Lee. Sadly, I feel that she will probably not be the last... well until Friday.

"I'm sorry, but you can't see someone without an appointment." I mean haven't these people seem shows or at least read enough books to figure out you can't see someone without an appointment. That is like TV law that happens to apply to real life situations.

"NO, BUT IT'S, LIKE, AN EMERGENCY!" She's basically screeching this portion. So now about everyone in the office thinks I might be killing a bird. Perfect.

"Do you have an appointment? Or are you a family member?" Now I'm just being blatant.

Her face seems to darken a bit, "No..." She seethed through her teeth. Now she's angry at me for doing my job. Just dandy.

"Then you need to make an app-" Before I could even get the words out she grabbed the coffee on my desk and poured it on my hoodie. 'Did that really just happen?' I ask my self but somehow the she-witch was still there cursing at me.

"Stick that in your stupid appointment!" Her heels clicked away as she sauntered off, content with what she has done. Finally the coffee's heat hits me and I briskly stand up slewing out curses under my breath. Now here I am, a pink haired boy furiously wiping scalding hot coffee off of my favourite pink hoodie, in an empty break room. Welcome to the life of the receptionist to Marshall Lee.

For about three years of my twenty-four year life, I've been working under the international rockstar. Also for those 'wonderful' three years I have been cursed at, slapped (ten times so far and still counting), kicked, had coffee spilled on (third time so far... gotta stop keeping my coffee here), and threatened (literally too many times to count). Yep, I really enjoy working here. The best part about my job is saying 'Good morning' to him every single day, and not once has he ever said 'Hi' back. I mean you would think that he would actually notice the pink haired boy sitting behind the desk, but no. Not once. He's really a great guy.

About after 10 minutes of trying to get the cappuccino out of my hoodie, I finally gave up figuring that it probably has to go to the dry cleaners. As I just got settled back into my work a large amount of shrieking is heard throughout the office, meaning that Marshall Lee has just entered the building. Today he was wearing very tight fitting jeans and a simple tee that was covered in a grey jacket. The outfit had the crowd outside wound up more than usual, I'd hate to see what they would do if he just showed up naked one day. He looked slightly tired of the crowd, it's kinda hard to tell behind his sunglasses. But nonetheless still tired. "Good morning, sir," I said to him as he strode past. No response.

It was about four-o'-clock that I finally got off of work and made my way home. Of course on the my usual five block commute to my apartment building, I saw the occasional street performer. Today's was Afro ninja, somehow he was one of my favourites. I mean, he can slice through a cantaloupe like a boss. Except there is another performer I like to watch. I'm not sure exactly who he is but he never ceases to amaze me. His voice is so mellow and so is his music, kinda just a nice thing to hear after working for someone that doesn't acknowledge your existence. When I approached my door I noticed someone leaning against it, looking mighty impatient. She finally saw me, and the look on her face made me worried. "Oh, Gumball," She sang running towards me.

"Fionna? What are you doing here?" Her mischievous grin made my worry level go up another ten percent.

"What is it weird for a girl to visit her best friend?"

I squinted at her, "On a Friday? With you not going to some party? Then yes very weird." Fionna rolled her eyes but let out a playful laugh anyway.

"Oh, Gumball, I am going to a party! But this time, you're coming with me."

The only thing I could think at this moment, were a few simple words, 'Oh shit.' "Fionna, I'm not so sure about that..." I mumble unlocking the door.

She barges in and goes immediately to my bedroom. "But, Gumball, you never go out, like, ever!" I can hear her going through my closet, tossing clothes around.

Making my way into my pink room I yelled spoke loudly to her, "Don't you think there might be a reason for that?"

Her blonde head bobbed out of my closet, "Because you like being a poop head?" She smiled.

"No, it's because I don't like parties. Too many drunk people, too much sweaty people, and too many creeps." Apparently she found a shirt she liked, I could tell because of her giant grin.

"But, Gummy," She whined, "All you do is just come home and bake all the time," I roll my eyes as she goes back to ravaging through my closet.

"That's because I like baking. Also you like to help me bake! Why can't we just do that tonight?"

She gave me that look, "For one, you need to take some risks! Two, I'm terrible at baking." I was about to interrupt that she was good. but then I stopped myself. She's an 'okay' baker... More like a really clumsy, messy, and disorganized baker. After Fionna saw me stop thinking to myself she continued, "And I only do it because you like it. But now it's time for us to do something I like. Except for adventuring." The doubt on my face must have been flowing because she put on her pouty face. Dammit I hate her pouty face. "Also," she said drawing out the 'o', "it's gonna be held at LSP's club so you know it's gonna be globbing awesome!"

I do like LSP's club... But only because he allows like 50 people in, max. He's got this weird thinking that if too many people get in, his ex-friend might steal his girlfriend. LSP is quite an interesting character. I thought for a few moments before realizing it might not be that bad. She must have saw me caving in, because she was already smiling by the time I said fine.

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