Part 3

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We are not going to talk about last night. We are not going to talk about my ruined shirt and vest. We are not going to talk about the million of texts I got from Fionna last night. We are not going to talk about how I had to sleep on my surprisingly uncomfortable couch, since I gave up my bed to the drunkard. Let's talk about how I am currently sitting next to the occupied bed, waiting for Marshall to wake up so I could give him medicine... and make him pay for my dry cleaning.

        There was a few groans from the bed and Marshall rolled over, mumbling out a few curse words. "Glob dammit, my fucking head is killing me," he groaned this while sitting up and looking around. When his gaze finally rested on me, he narrowed his eyes. "Who the hell are you?" What a nice guy.

        I stiffened my back sitting up trying to do the best impression of a prince. "I am Prince Gu-" Marshall instantly cut me off with his hand.

        "Oh yeah, yeah. The prince who saved me right?" He said this while still staring at me with a mildly amused face. Not knowing what to say next I just looked around for that aspirin... On the desk! Duh. I quickly grab the medicine and the glass of water next to it, making sure to not spill any.

        His smirk bore into my mind, mainly because I haven't really seen his face up close; except for that incident last night but that technically doesn't count. Marshall had surprisingly pale skin, like an almost grayish tint to it. He was still wearing his outfit from last night which was a black leather jacket over some sort of grey tank top, and some skinny jeans that were pushed down low enough to see the start of something new. Okay now time to stop staring at his- ahem, and move up to less promiscuous places. Somehow his bed head black hair looked like it was styled to be messy even though he just woke up, and his eyes. Oh glob his eyes are an impossible red colour, they pull you in closer and closer till you don't even realize that you were in tran-

        "Hello? Prince Gumball? Anybody home?" His hand waved in front of my face trying to catch my attention. Marshall had a sly smile on when he saw what I was looking at, "Like what you see?" He chuckled a bit and I blushed looking down at the floor, which seemed way more interesting than it had five minutes ago.

        "N-no." Oh crap, here comes the stuttering. Marshall took it upon himself to copy my movements and start checking me out up and down. Somehow even the idea of his red eyes looking at me, made me blush. So I stopped him by finally shoving the medicine and glass of water into his unexpecting hands. "Here, for your hangover."

        I rushed out the words not even daring to look up, afraid that he would see my reddened cheeks. Clearly thanks his cocky-grin I know he probably saw me blush. 'Okay, Gumball, hold it together, you will not give Marshall the satisfaction of him knowing that he had made you blush multiple times in span of two days,' you thought. He took the aspirin and drank some of the water, but then he noticed I was staring again and winked. Instant blush. 'Okay Gumball, calm down your cheeks and act like a professional here. For years he has ignored you and he will continue to ignore you still once he leaves.'

        Well that small monologue I had with my self helped a little bit because now the blush is gone, but now all that's left is resentment. Great. Now Marshall was looking at me strangely, "Yo, Bubba, you home?" He knocked on my head.

        "Hey! Don't just knock on my head like I'm a do- Wait, Bubba?" What the hell is a Bubba? His cocky grin was replaced with an actual smile, well what I thought was a smile since it's hard to tell when it turned back into a cocky grin in an glimpse of a second.

        "Yeah I thought of it myself. Like it?" I certainly do not. It weirdly reminds me of saved by the bell, whenever Jessie was calling Slaighter.

        "No please don't call me that." Yup the professional look was actually working pretty well because Marshall hasn't spoken for about twenty seconds. Shoot he wasn't even doing his cocky grin anymore. For those amazing seconds he had this dumbfounded look on his face and kinda stared at me for a while.

        "Nope, definitely gonna keep calling you Bubba." He started laughing at my red face. This time I wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or just anger. Let's go with the latter.

        "Look, just when are you going to go home?" I said in my most pissy voice, trying to make him get my not so subtle hint.

        "What? You don't want me to stay and give you my," Cue him getting very noticeably closer, "thanks." That professional look I was going for? Gone and replaced with a blush.

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