Part 5

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        "Gross," I mumbled to myself as the doors opened, finally noticing that I was indeed out breath. I just had just ran the five blocks that it takes to get here, and truth be told that was probably the most running I had done in a while. Go to the gym, I think putting it on my mental list of things to do. After the feeling of air finally filling my lungs again, I sat down at my desk looking at the many missed calls that have piled up.

"Oh Glob..." I mumbled shuffling through the many, many, many dirty letters written to Marshall, and the voicemails people sent. Sometimes I wonder if people actually think their letters make it to him. Well then again some do, but only the ones his semi-evil manager wants him to read. As a receptionist I take the calls, deal with the fans, and also deal with malicious blood sucking managers like Simone. She is the person that somehow seems to be Marshall's shadow. Always behind him, whispering things to him, and I'm pretty sure is the person that runs this whole building. Simone actually says hi to me though... well in her own cold glare kind of way but it's more than Marshall has ever done. After the 10th fanfiction about Marshall and one of his fans doing varied things that would make anyone blush, I saw a mane of dark hair over the top of my desk.

"Morning," I say with a smile to Monochrome. He just nods and sets a cup of dark roast on my desk. "You're a life saver Monochrome, and my favorite drink? Something good must have happened between you and Cake. Well besides her betting on me," I mumbled the last part and just wiggled my eyebrows. This time he just shook his head smiling, meaning that I was indeed right. I was about to poke some more fun at him but then he raised an eyebrow at me and pointed down at my arm. There was the same sequence of numbers Marshall put on my arm from that morning. "It's nothing, just some guy last night and... Yeah."

It technically wasn't a lie, because it is a guy's number. Only the guy happened to be one of the most famous rock stars there is right now, and happens to be the reason I even have a job. Yup just a guy's number. Monochrome was about to ask for even more detail but then suddenly there was the sounds of girls screaming. He walked in with Simone behind him, on the phone with someone she obviously didn't want to talk to at all. Marshall was wearing the same clothes as yesterday but probably no one else noticed that unless they looked closely, and I'm sure some of his screaming fans out there did look close enough, actually probably too close at times.

As he got closer I suddenly got a nervous feeling, and I wasn't even sure why since I'm sure nothing would change. Except for the fact I've got give him his jacket back at some point and I still had his number on my arm. Shoot I've gotta give him his jacket back! Okay so no freaking out, no freaking out! I saw Monochrome give me a weird look which might be because of the expression I'm making right now, but that's just an educated guess. Okay just greet him like you normally do, Gumball, I say to myself looking down at my keyboard typing random words to make it seem I wasn't having an internal battle with myself.

"Good morning, sir," I spoke without even looking up from my keyboard. This phrase was how I started off my morning, every single day. Get up, get coffee into my sleep deprived body, and go to work for a boss that ignores me. Simple right? Well it was simple as could be, until... he actually spoke back.

"Good morning, Bubba." At the sound of his voice I lifted my head surprised, somehow Monochrome has disappeared so I had no one to back me up. Marshall was right there smirking at me, and his ruby eyes almost seemed to gleam.

"I... uh-" really Gumball? That's all you can come up with to talk to him? It didn't seem to bother him because he just chuckled a bit which made me blush out of embarrassment. Although Marshall didn't mind my ability to not come up with words, Simone didn't mind telling me with her many cold glares and scoffs. I tried to take back control of my body to act normal as possible, "Mr. Lee." I looked back down at my keyboard trying not to notice how he was still standing there just looking at me.

Marshall pointed at my arm, "So, Bubba, still haven't put my number in yet? What about that amazing night we spent together. And all the things we did? How cold of you." He gave me his puppy dog look but then grinned when he saw my blush.

To rebel against this, I did the best I could by ignoring him and continued to type random words. After a few moments, he leaned over the counter close enough to whisper, "I was actually wondering when you were going to return my jacket." That sentence wasn't remotely sexual or in any way had any innuendo, but of course, I still blushed. It looks like Simone has seen this scene happen before so she just rolled her eyes going back to her scream fest on the phone, whilst simultaneously trying to get Marshall to stop messing around. Against her protests he grinned again leaning in to tell me one more thing before Simone tried dragged him away again. "Keep it for now, you might want to cover that," he smirks while pointing at my arm, "before anyone sees."

He made sure I saw him smirk one more time before leaving to go into the awaiting elevator, leaving me to blush and slip on the jacket figuring this was the best plan. For the rest of the day Marshall made extra attempts to get near my desk, when before I don't even think he knew there was a desk here. I tried to ignore the smirks he gave me whenever he caught my eye, and also tried to ignore the blush that stained my cheeks each time he did that. It felt as if my cheeks betrayed me each time that he smirked, when all I wanted to do was scoff. The clock struck 12:30 and I sighed out of relief thinking it's been an eternity since I ran in this morning. Time seemed to have slowed down each time I saw his grin, making the morning last longer.

You know that feeling when you think you've forgotten something and after it's already too late you finally realise you actually forgot it? That's the current state I'm in right now looking in my messenger bag for my nonexistent lunch. "Shoot..." I mumble under my breath. At this point I was already in the break room with everyone else occupied with their lunches and the latest gossip. One thing that I don't enjoy is that feeling when people offer you their lunch, because then I feel like they don't want to give up their lunch but they feel as if they have to.

Trying not to make it obvious that I've forgotten my lunch, I casually strolled towards the fridge crouching down, and peering in. A creepily sticky Pepsi, a variety of many condiments, and a pack of saltines. Why did this happen to be one of the only weeks where no one accidentally brings an extra bowl of potato salad or something. I grab the saltines sighing, figuring this was the best it's gonna get. When I stood up I heard a loud gasp in the room and then followed by silence, thoughts ran through my mind, 'Shoot is there something on my back? Is it a huge spider? I bet it's a tarantula and I'm gonna die.' Ever so slowly I turned my head to look at my back and see if my life was potentially over, but instead my eyes met a pair of ruby eyes.

"Hey Bubba, looks like someone needs a lunch," He smirked all too knowingly. The only sound that could be heard was the saltines dropping to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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