Part 2

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Somehow, Fionna had already planned the rest of the outfit for me, then proceeded to lay it out. There was a maroon shirt with an ink black, vest to go along with it, some matching black jeans, and a pair of black oxfords (a type of shoe) to match. I swatted her out to get dressed putting on the surprisingly fashionable outfit. "You done yet?!"

I could hear her say from the other side. "Yeah!" Fionna smiled admiring her own work, but it looked like she wasn't done yet. "Now hair.. Ooo, and makeup! I mean you don't really need make up but we do need something to make you pop, like pow! Tonight you will be better than Gumball. People are gonna start calling you Prince Gumball?" Glob, she could be a chatter box at times, and I definitely rolled my eyes when she mentioned the Prince part.

"Look I'm only doing this for tonight, especially with someone who hates baking with me."

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, now let's get you into makeup!" For the next half hour she basically dragged me around my apartment making sure that my 'Prince Gumball' debut was absolutely perfect. Personally I still am unsure about even going, but I'll just go along for Fionna's sake. She sat me down in front of a mirror and brought out a small brief case.

"Well that's not suspicious at all" I sarcastically remarked. This earned me a smack from her.

"Shut up." That short phrase meant that she was actually getting serious. She never gets serious. Now afraid for my life, I shut my trap and stay still. Her first choice of weapons was a small eyeliner. The device came towards me, so I did the smartest thing and closed my eyes. Before I knew it she was already saying, "Done."

"Wow that was freaking quick." I opened my eyes just to see a small line of black around my eyes. Which somehow made my eyes seem slightly bigger... Weird.

"Well yeah, all you needed was a bit of eyeliner to make your pink eyes pop!" She made a little firework hand motion that made me chuckle.

"Then why did you get so serious for a minute?" I mean really why did she look like she just got back from war against.... Against Simone (or as she like to call her the Ice Queen) or something.

"Oh, so I didn't poke out your eyes," she answered. Then, she skipped off after saying that like it's nothing. I think I almost did a double take, but then shrugged it off because she must have been kidding right? Right? Her yell through the apartment interrupted my thoughts, "Gumball, come on! The limo is already here!"

Okay one, when did find time to call a limo? And two, why the hell are we riding in a limo? Before I got to actually say these questions out loud, Fionna came around the corner in a sky blue dress that matched her eyes. It also hugged her in a way that would even make a dog swoon. How did she changed that fast? I'm not sure, but she did look amazing in that dress. "Come on Gummy! The guy driving the limo ain't gonna wait forever!" She slipped on her heels and rushed out the door, leaving me to follow her. Once we arrived at the club, the line had already stretched around the block. LSP was waiting for us in the front, sticking out pretty well with his bright lavender hair. As he saw us he started to wave kinda frantically.

"Fionna! How did you manage to bring Gumball with you?" He said as we approached him.

She shrugged, "It was hard. Especially," She poked my cheek, "when this dumb butt only wanted to bake."

LSP laughed and let us into the club. "Sounds like him alright." The club was already in full swing by the time we reached the dance floor. About thirty people were grinding on each other to the newest hit song, that I don't know. While the other twenty were either at the bar, or just hanging out near the walls. I slowly started to gravitate to the walls while LSP and Fionna were talking, but she caught me.

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