Part 4

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        "N-No! I'm fine with just a simple, talkative, verbal thanks!" I stuttered out, while turning my head away from Marshall's. Let's say he was about two inches from my cheek and let's just say if I moved at all, those lips would easily connect to some part of my face. I mean it's not as if I didn't want that, but still, and his face is so... pleasant to look at.

        "Fine, but if you ever change your mind..." He trailed off scooting back into his original position, but this time with a different, slightly more intense, ruby colored eyes. By this time my blush had probably grew into a red that wasn't even on the spectrum, and was probably new to scientists around the world.

        Marshall still was staring at me for a few more moments before the buzz of his phone stopped him. He kinda stared at it, his intense eyes softening, and a look of dread was plastered on his face. "A-are you gonna answer it?" I broke the silence, and his saddened look perked back up, just to be replaced with another flirty grin.

        "I'd rather learn more about the prince that saved my ass from being kicked." His attention focused on me again ignoring the phone, that clearly wanted his attention. Finally, the phone ceased to buzz, and Marshall's shoulders relaxed, "Okay come on Bubba, tell me about yourself, got a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Favourite colour? Animal? Food?" He bombarded all these questions barley giving me barely anytime to answer.

        "Well I-" The phone started ringing again and Marshall sighed.

        "Hold on to that thought, Bubba." He answered the phone with a clearly irritated, "What is it?" There was a loud yelling on the other end with the normal, 'Uh-HUH' or 'Whatever', and sometimes a 'Tell blah blah blah to suck it.' That was basically the whole phone call until Marshall said, "Fine I'll see you back up at the condo. Yeah, I hear you Simone, I said I'll meet you." Pause for another course of yelling. "Goodbye." With that last statement he hung up, and got off the bed stretching in a way that lifted his shirt for a small view at his lean muscle.

        "Well Bubba, I hate to cut our meeting short, but the boss lady wants me back at the ole office."

        I stared at him dumbfounded by his eccentric choice of words, "Ole Office? Really?" He laughed and ruffled my hair a bit and a small blush found its way onto my face. I stood up and followed him to the door, he was humming a weird tune but it also sounded kinda like one of his songs. After I opened the door for him, Marshall abruptly stopped and cursed to himself.

        "Before I forget!" He pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket, and took my arm writing down a string of numbers. Does he seriously carry around a sharpie with him? Also did he seriously just write on my arm with said sharpie. "My number, just incase if you ever want that special thanks." He winked and left with a flirty grin sketched across his features. I hope he didn't notice my blush on his way out.

        It didn't dawn on me that I've been standing at the door looking at my arm with the various numbers strung on it, until I heard my phone buzz on the counter. "GUMBALL, YOU EGG, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?" Fionna's voice screamed through the phone, making me pull away hoping that didn't bust my eardrum.

        "Geez Fionna, don't make me go deaf yet," I hissed trying to understand her through the various yells. "Okay, fine. Gumball, here's question one, where did you go?" Her voice had this eerie calmness to it that slightly frightened me.

        "I just came back to my apartment." I made sure to answer quickly so she didn't think anything was out of the ordinary.

        "Why?" She asked suspicion already creeping into her voice.

        "Well, I saw that you were getting real friendly with Flame boy, so I wanted to leave you two your space." It was a simple answer that was totally plausible.

        "Okay then question two, did you leave the club with Marshall Lee?" Well that question was very forward, and I'm not sure there was a way to avoid that answer. The silence on the phone made her ask again, "Did you Gumball?" Silence. "OH MY GOODNESS, YOU TOTALLY DID!"

        I nodded to her until I realized she couldn't see me, "How did you find out?" I asked her glancing at my fridge for a sec, feeling a weird urge for raspberry pancakes.

        "Gumball, it's not hard to notice the hottest rock star in all of New York, draped all up on a pink haired guy."

        I say, "True that", giving her the benefit of the doubt. Glancing at the fridge once more I move towards the fridge grabbing the various ingredients needed for the pancakes, while trying to balance the phone on my shoulder listening to Fionna ramble on about how amazed she is I've become so 'ballsy', and how she can't believe I slept with one of th- wait slept with? I freeze, and stop gathering ingredients, "Wait what? We didn't! No!"

        She couldn't see me, but if anyone walked in right now they would see me blushing to an outstanding degree. Damn you skin and your skill to easily blush. "Fionna, we di-didn't! Oh my glob!"

        "Oh come on Gumball, he was all over you! What else could have it been? And you both went back to your place after?" She said in a way as if she was Sherlock, and I was the simpleminded Watson. If anyone is gonna be Sherlock, it's gonna be me!

        "Fi, he was about to get punched in the face and since he's my boss I couldn't just leave him!"

        Groans came from the other end of the line, "Dammit Gumball, I had a bet with Cake that you did!"

        She bet on me? "You bet I slept with him?" I asked just making sure I heard right.

        "Yup. But now I'm down 20 bucks."

        My face fell into an unamused look, so I continued to grabbing the ingredients out. "Wow. What great friends I have." Sarcasm dripping with every word, I could almost see Fionna wince from the other line.

        "Look, Gummy..."

        She tried to say but I kind of cut her off, "Look Fi, I'm gonna make some pancakes and see you later, okay?"

        The was silence on the other end but after a few moments she spoke up, "Wait don't you have work today?"

        I dropped the whisk that I was currently using to mix the ingredients, "Oh crap. Gotta go!" This time I didn't give her the chance to say goodbye, hanging up before she could get a word out I starting throwing things back to where they belong. "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot!" Okay Gumball, calm down, Saran Wrap around the unfinished mix, put it in the fridge, run to your room and change clothes, pick up Marshall's jacket, get your shoes on an- Marshall's jacket?! "Oh glob dammit, Marshal!" I yell to no one in particular, grabbing the jacket as I run out my room slipping on a random pair of shoes, hoping that they at least matched.

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