10. Skin contact - M.

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He smelled of pines, lavender, and smoke and his skin was pleasantly warm. Mila traced with her fingers the long scar that went from the middle of his abdomen to his right collarbone.

He actually stayed and hugged her till they seemingly both fell asleep. There was no trace of the condescendence and the annoyance he showed usually when he dealt with her. He had been just... kind. And now when she looked at him in the bright morning light, at the golden skin and sculpted features she perceived him as incredibly attractive.

Erik shivered under her touch and a light growl escaped his chest. His eyes opened wildly and it seemed for an instant as if they lit up again as a few days before. In an instant, he pulled her over him and his hands wandered under her t-shirt and along her right thigh. The touch was secure and skilled and it felt surprisingly pleasant. Mila let out an uncontrolled breath of delight.

But it felt like hearing her voice made him aware of what was happening. He pressed his eyes together, sighed from the depths of his chest, and pushed her off him in an abrupt motion.

"I am sorry," he said curtly, standing up and leaving the room. Mila's eyes got stuck on the bump in his pants that she felt against her leg minutes before.

Now this was an awkward situation. He might not have entirely noticed what he was doing but he seemed to be very good at it.

She blushed thinking about it, about how it felt, and about the fact that she had slept apparently an entire night in his arms. Despite everything, he was still the one keeping her there against her will so that one morning awoke contrasting feelings in both of them.

After that rather eventful morning, it was going to be an entire day of doing nothing again. Mila didn't have it this time. She got dressed in loose pants and a t-shirt and started doing the workout routine she committed to the past week because of boredom.

By the end of it, she was sweaty and exhausted and lay down on the floor panting when she heard Angel's voice and the door opening.

"Hola muñeca! Happy to see you are in a good mood. Talking about moods, what did you do to Erik? He is beyond cranky."

I gave him an accidental boner.  The corners of her mouth went up involuntarily.

"Not sure. What did he say?" she answered cautiously.

"Nothing, he just picked a fight with Michael. That's his way of asking for a talk with his bro."

"They seem to know each other for a long time," said Mila remembering the strange old photo from Erik's room.

"Uh yes, since childhood. They grew up together. But I remember why I came. I brought you something. Merry Christmas, Mila," said Angel handing her a package.

"What? It's Christmas?"

"Yup, December twenty-fifth."


"Look. I am sorry. For everything. I hope you will forgive us one day."

That sentence reminded her of the bitter reality of the situation. It was already Christmas. She was still alive but a captive for an unforeseeable time at a whim of a rather peculiar guy. 

"I don't know, Angel. After you supposedly let me go I will be homeless and even poorer. I hope you will have the courtesy to buy me a ticket back to Serbia, though that is really not a place I would like to return to. I cannot really like you because of that," she answered in all honesty.

"I am sorry. Really. I will talk to Erik. He is loaded; he can spare a few thousand and maybe find you a new job. I am sure he does not want you to hate him. It's just... Complicated. "

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