21. Wile ways of magic - E.+M.

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Dear reader, first of all, thank you for getting so far. This chapter is smutty, if it's not your cup of tea feel free to skip it. :)

Dim starlight was illuminating Mila's features. Her smile was vicious, how he had never seen it before. It was a bit like that night in the woods but more intense, almost burning. 

She was touching him willingly and kissing him, leaving burning traces on his skin in the wake of her fingers. 

"I said take it off." Such demanding words in such an innocent voice. 

He obeyed without questioning anything but his sanity. It seemed a mundane gesture, how the cotton t-shirt slipped over his head and fell to the ground but it was certainly anything but meaningless in the way it felt. It was almost as if he was shedding the thick shell he had built around himself after Katharina's death and remained vulnerable in front of the eyes of that very important girl that was very ignorant of the importance she held. 

"Sit down."

He bit his lips to not chuckled at her very unusual bossy tone. Erik obeyed still holding the grin back in a smirk while his eyes were following her while she kneeled down to take off her sandals and unzipped the pretty dress, letting it fall on the ground. Her gestures were not sexy, elegant, or studied, but they retained natural grace and most of all candor. 

Terribly sweet in her own way, Mila was different from what Erik was used to. She-wolves were wild and feral and mating was reckless and many times a display of force and a fight.

Regardless, that human girl, almost a hundred years younger than him was making his heart beat infernally fast only by clumsily taking off her dress.

She came closer and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him again smoothly on the lips. Erik swallowed hard. It felt like a fever dream he never allowed himself to indulge in, but her weight in his arms reminded him it was real. When he caressed her elbows in response he saw his hands trembling and smiled. After almost a century of numbness, emotions felt beautiful after all. 

"It's better like this; you are so awfully tall," said Mila with a hint of a smile. Erik smiled, sighed, and refrained from tossing her on the mattress and tearing her underwear off. Sweet torture...


Mila had no idea what she was doing. None whatsoever. She was certain of that. Something had snapped in her that day at the hospital with her parents' actions.

Their actions showed that there was no living person that cared about her and the feeling was crushing.

She just wanted to lose herself for a while, forget, not think...  And there was Erik, that kind of stood up for her in his weird way. It was probably not because of the goodness of his heart, but because he needed her to help him. Still, it moved her somehow. She felt so fragile and purposeless and just wanted to be held and he was there, steering something in her; something that likely millions of years of evolution make every woman feel to some extent and at some point. He made her feel safe.  

That night in Scotland, when she had that awful dream, he held her too and it set a precedent she couldn't forget. He stayed and held her and she wanted that again. More, she wanted more. She wanted to feel him more.

When their skin touched it felt almost delirious. Was it that mark thing? She didn't care. It felt good; finally something good.

"What do you want me to do, Mila?" he asked looking her in the eyes and touching her waist smoothly. 

Mila didn't really know what to answer so she said, "Whatever you feel like doing."

He smirked. That expression suited him so well and she noticed once more how handsome he was, what a beautiful color his eyes were, and how sensuous the curves of his lips looked. She wanted to trace them with her tongue so badly. There were also many other things she considered tracing with her tongue.

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