11. Bad liar- M.

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The light was sifting through the branches of the trees and it smelled cold but beautifully clean. It was a magnificent forest without any traces of humans anywhere. That fact was a precious piece of information but not a pleasing one. 

There was no way in which she would run off into the forest at night again. The bite wounds had not been as bad as expected and vanished almost completely but the experience was still tormenting her. There were still times when she saw fangs and claws when she closed her eyes. A second time there would be no Erik there to rescue her.

Her mind was still foggy regarding what happened that night when Erik came out of nowhere and scared the wolves off. Did he shoot them? Or how did he do that? She couldn't recall.

It had been however a moment when she felt him close and was drawn to him despite their mutual dislike, like that morning when they woke up together.

New Year's Eve was going to be at the end of that week. She had to behave so that Erik's mood would be good and she could convince him to take her to that party.

"This place is beautiful," said Mila when they arrived panting at a lake. It was indeed. Everything was frozen now but it was still an enchanting view. "In summer it must be even more beautiful," she continued.

"It is indeed. The water is turquoise and it's full of moonflowers around it. Even the Go... " Michael paused.


"Nevermind. You wouldn't know who I am talking about," he said.

Mila looked at Michael, at his massive figure and masculine body. He was not a talker, but a handsome man in his rough way, blond and tall with striking blue eyes and a lot of muscles hidden under those clothes. Muscles... Mila's mind wandered again at the image of Erik that had just exited the shower. Something had shifted in her since she arrived in England; maybe it was the freedom that had changed her, but she never cared or was affected by these things back in Serbia.

"What is your actual business about?" she asked, to shift the subject in her mind to something milder.

"What do you mean?" asked Michael.

"Are you a mafia organization? I assume you don't all do day trading."

"I am not going to answer this question. You would not understand the answer anyway. We are an organization borderlines to illegality but we have no choice. Don't judge us too hard for that."

This screams mafia. Al mafiosos call themselves only businessmen. 

"What am I in this game?" she continued, seeing that he was finally talking.

"You could be the queen if you stop acting like a pawn, " said Michael. He was not smirking. Nothing; he seemed deadly serious.

Angel is certainly the yin to his yang. The guy is cranky.

Half an hour passed and Michael urged her to go back. They walked in silence. She had insisted for them to stay a bit longer but Michale couldn't be swayed. He was as stoic as an army general. 

Maybe he actually was one at some point. Mila recalled the photos from Erik's room again. 

Back at the house, exhausted from the hiking, Mila wanted to peak again in the medicine book while lying in bed. She read a bit and closed it again frustrated, not understanding that particular part she was reading. What a joke that was; she could never prepare on her own. But then an idea bloomed in her mind. Maybe she should actually listen to Angel. 

Stop being a pawn... I have to go to that damn party.

She stormed into the living room. Erik was nowhere to be found. Angel was there laying lazy on the sofa.

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