32. Little doe - M.

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Don't look at him, don't look at him!

Mila walked angrily inside the house with Kiril following her close by. 

The house owner and his son screamed and went hiding when they saw the huge white wolf marching into their home.

"Why don't you want to look at me, Milena?" asked Kiril.

"Get the fuck out of my mind!" she screamed, shoving him out violently, despite the huge pain that gesture caused her, and slammed the door to the bedroom shut.

She sank onto the bed and started sobbing, long and heartbreaking letting the pain sink in, pain that her life was aimless, the people she cared about were hurt and her love gone. It must have been minutes or hours; she lost track of time just looking out the window at the moonless sky and hurting so bad she wanted to rip her own heart out just to not feel anything anymore.

She didn't hear the door open and close, neither did she hear his steps; she just felt Kiril's weight on the mattress and his arms slipping around her and hugging her from behind.

In her anger, she wanted to shove him away but just lacked the strength so she let her body loose in his embrace and her mind wide open so his magic could slip in and soothe her.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

"What does it look like I am doing?" he answered and his voice was like velvet, too smooth to not enjoy even a little bit. 

"I, I don't know. Do you want to fuck me?"

"Not right now; now I only want to comfort you," he said resting his chin on her shoulder.

His scent invaded her nostrils, maybe bergamot and lilies. It was heavy and mysterious, just like Kiril himself.

"Though if you want us to sleep together..." he said, caressing the back of her neck with his lips, slow and smooth until he reached her ear.

"I don't," answered Mila quickly but didn't move away.

"Me neither. I prefer it to take place when there is no danger of you calling me Erik when you orgasm."

"How generous of you; too bad it will never happen," said Mila. She wanted to sound sarcastic but her voice was just a tired whisper.

"Don't be rude, little doe."  Kiril stood up, moved over her, and pressed one of her shoulders on the mattress forcing her to turn and face him.

His grip on her mind suddenly tighter and she couldn't move her body anymore.

Smirking, seeing the fear in her eyes he loosened the buttons of her black shirt one by one and moved his fingers over Erik's marking. Mila smothered a hiss. His hand moved higher until it reached one of her breasts with the already hard nipple.

"Mila, if I would want to fuck you I could and I am certain you would enjoy it. I can smell your arousal," he said still smirking and letting her mind loose.

He was right, she was aroused, and that made her even angrier. Again in control of her body, she slapped him as hard as she could across the face, so hard her palm tingled afterward.

"You are a jerk and the worst person I know," she screamed, though at that point she wasn't sure anymore if that title didn't belong to somebody else.

Continuing to smile she grabbed both her wrists, held them pressed against the mattress, and bowed down to plant a chaste kiss on her left cheek.

"Am I?" he said letting her hands loose and heading towards the door. "You headed from sad-suicidal to angry-horny. Not ideal but slightly better for everyone. My work here is done. Just let me know if you need help with... you know, " he continued still smirking and closing the door before the pillow, that Mila threw, could hit him.

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