29. My beloved - M.

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Fire, boulders, and ice were raining down from the sky. The air was scorching hot and there was mist and smoke everywhere. The world around her was slowly molding into an apocalyptic picture painted with magic and madness. 

Mila's eyes were teary. She could barely see. The earth was still shaking. Weak and human as she was, she could barely stand. Everything was a complex picture of calamity and she. the weakest link was in the mids of all that. The fighting lycans were being hit again and again by the wrath of their goddess. That was not her fight but boulders didn't distinguish between fantastic or ordinary, they drew blood regardless. 

Descending from heaven was the goddess become flesh, her whole being wonder and light.

Goosebumps built up on Mila's arms. Nobody could stay passive to her might, least of all Mila in her humanity. Samira's body was still in her arms, but their attention was captured by the one being that seemed to enslave even the primal elements around them. 

Then she did what nobody had expected; she struck Kiril down. 

"What the... What's happening?" Mila was hopeful. What is a god if not a divine justice bearer? 

"I have no idea but it can't be good," whispered Samira. Her face displayed blank horror. "We have to get away from here." That wasn't at all what she was expecting.

"Why? She struck him down."

"Yes, but the storm only became stronger. She is mad with all of us."

"I am not leaving without Erik," said Mila searching the crowd for him.

"There is fire and stone raining from the sky. Milena, you will die if you don't leave. You most of all."

"I don't care. I am not leaving without him. Where is he?!"

"There..." said Samira pointing at Erik that was in his beast form, attacked by six other wolves.

Mila's eyes moved back to the ominous goddess. She descended from the air and was walking among the battling wolves.  She was walking towards him between fire and thunder. Mila's heart was beating like crazy. Was she going to kill him? Struck him as she did with Kiril?

"Erik!" Mila screamed into the void of the battle noise. 

Nobody seemed to hear her but the goddess looked in her direction and smiled a vile smile.

She moved her arm abruptly and all the wolves around Erik were blown away, thrown in the pit of the volcano. Then she touched Erik's snout and forced him back into his human form. His eyes reflected blank despair.

"Mila!" he screamed, but the goddess silenced him with a finger pressed on bloody lips.

A boulder hit Mila's arm. The pain was deep and thundering, bringing her back to the human body she almost forgot about. 

"Mila we have to go. I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die, so stand up and let's go," cried Samira.

The earth shook again as if it were to split open and separate Mila from Samira. Stones continued raining from the sky and hitting Mila again and again but she couldn't move; she couldn't take her eyes off them.

"Mila, I l..." The words died in his throat.

The Goddess caressed his face and whispered faintly " My beloved" before she kissed him on the lips and stabbed him in the heart with the glowing sword, that was the result of so much torment.

Something must have happened because everything sunk into darkness.


"We write anno domini thirteen, my beloved," whispered a breathtakingly beautiful girl with silver hair and dark blue eyes, while she was caressing a man's bare chest.

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