Part 1

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(DISCLAIMER: I do -not- have a complete understanding of DID and do not declare myself as an expert or even someone who knows a lot about it. I'm currently doing more research for this fic, so it might start off a little off, but I hope it'll get better the more I learn! And if you want to fill me in on anything, definitely leave some comments or DM me on Discord @Kedith##6664 I'd love to learn! <3)

(Also note that this is definitely -not- how DID works, I don't think the alters typically have the ability to host in multiple bodies. This is just a concept I came up with to allow the MCYTs to interact with each other without traveling!)

Something happened. He didn't know- or understand for that matter.. What had happened.. He just knew that one day, he woke up, and all of his friends were gone.

"It's... really difficult to explain.." He muttered when his sister questioned it again.

Clay- more popularly known as 'Dream', was sat upon his bed, his sister; Drista, in front of him. She was sitting on his desk chair, watching him with great concern as he rubbed his temples.

He had a raging headache... "Try.. please..? To explain..?" She tried to press it further upon him.

How could he possibly explain this?

"Two days ago.. I woke up, and my head felt..-" He sighed and shifted to have his back against the wall. This was so frustrating. "-fuzzy. That's the best word I can think of. It's felt fuzzy ever since. It feels like my thoughts are muffled. It hurts."

She nodded slowly and leaned back in his chair, getting slightly startled at how far back it went. It amused him, giving him a slight glimmer of joy amongst all this confusion. He loved seeing people who weren't accustomed to desk chairs freak out when the chair leaned back really far.

"And..?" She returned him to the topic at hand. "You mentioned another thing?"

There went the joy.

"Yeah... I tried to call Sap that day, or Nick, whatever the hell you know him as. Not only did he not answer, but after also trying to call George- I realized that nobody was online. None of them have tweeted, none of them have streamed. None of them have -existed- since before that day." He explained.

He glanced at his phone sitting on his pillow, it was almost eerie to see. It had been silent for days. All he had were confused fans looking for the streamers and youtubers they looked up to.

There was nothing he could do but lie and say they were doing some kind of challenge or test. It was a lame excuse but- what better could he come up with when he himself was panicking?

"Ok.. well then let's check again. Maybe it was an April Fools thing that became a bigger thing than just one day. Maybe it's a joke." Drista tried to reassure him as she scooted her way back to his computer and booted it up.

Clay released a breath, he'd checked a million times but he'd humor her: she was trying to help and he appreciated it. He took his phone in his hands and did just as she did: opened Twitter.

Profile after profile the two siblings looked desperately for a post made after April Third.


... nothing..

No Sapnap. No George. No Wilbur. Tommy. Tubbo. Quackity. Technoblade. Niki. Schlatt. Nothing.

No one.

Then- "Clay! Bad's! Go look at Bad!" She exclaimed, making a motion with her hand as she excitedly looked at her screen.

His hand was actually shaking as he hurried to the man's tweet-

'Sorry for the lack of existence guys! Have been feeling under the weather but don't worry! We'll be back soon <3 Oh and rat says hi. [One Image attached]'

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