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Hey guys! I went on a week long trip with my family and haven't gotten the chance to post anything on this in a minute but while I was gone I did get a few messages talking about how this is nothing like DID. 

I really do want to be respectful to everyone and the disorder itself so I will be editing the information in the summary and I will be writing future chapters slightly differently so I don't spread misinformation. 

To those of you who reached out, thank you very much it means a lot that you all did it in such a positive way. I really would like to portray this properly! So if you have any advice on it, please do offer it! 

The characters for a little while, will continue to recognize it as DID because --they-- also don't know what's going on and that's the closest thing that any of them are familiar with but I will have them realize it's not quite that as soon as it will make sense in the story! 

Also I do want to go ahead and clarify here that all of the shipping in this story is their -characters-, not the people themselves, because that is really important I have come to realize. 

And I usually refer to them by whatever name I feel like the people would refer to them internally as, such as how when I was in George's POV, he called Dream 'Dream' when he was speaking out loud, but would think of him as 'Clay' whenever he was thinking of him. 

Just a little note about that- if any of the MCYTs come out and say that they aren't comfortable with their names being used like that, I will not continue to do that! (If they have already let me know because I'm still relatively new to the community and need to be filled in on things I missed!)

Thank you all for reading, love you all <3 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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