Contract (Part 2)

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 Wow, I had no idea this was going to be a relationship relationship. Was I ready for that?

My worries dissipated when I read the next line.

- The "relationship" - An open relationship, you will be his escort. 

Oh. Escort. I was a stripper, I knew that was fancy talk for hoe. Formal language was so stupid in this situation, though I assumed a wealthy, glorious rat such as Biggie Cheese would go to this extent. 

- Your master, Biggie Cheese, demands you do not complain about his other escorts

- You will use the safeword: Fetta (the worst type of cheese - author) in any situation you cannot handle. Please refrain from using it if it is not urgent.

-  You will come to him when asked, you will do as he says.

- You will live part time with him, in his escort's quarters. You will be provided with regular food, shelter, and cleanliness. You will also be allowed to keep your current place of living and stay there, too, if you wish. This option is negotiable.

- You will treat your master's servicemen and women with respect and you will be obligated to aid each other's needs.

- Your ranking will be lower than your master's servicemen and women, and other escorts, until your master says otherwise.

- You will write any "dealbreakers" or activities you are absolutely not okay with below: 

The rest of the page was filled with lines, where I wrote 'anal' on one and kept reading. The next page held one line for my signature. I pondered for a moment and then hastily signed, ready to ell myself for my new pimp daddy.

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