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Well, today was Sunday. I was currently in a limo, wearing one of my signature short dresses and sparkly heels. I was nervous as all hell, my folded yellow packet clenched in my hands. The paper was a bit damp, since my palms tended to sweat when I got nervous.

"Almost there, (y/n)," Called Dimitri's smooth voice from the front. "Thanks," I called back awkwardly. A few more minutes, and Dimitri parked.

I got out and was greeted by the same restaurant from a week ago. "But I don't..." "They're familiar with the contract. Show it to them." Dimitri said, reading my thoughts. "Ah, thanks, again... Bye, Dimitri." I said. "Bye, Miss (l/n)."

I stepped out of the limo and Dimitri drove away. I walked awkwardly, and I knew people must have thought I wasn't supposed to be there. My hair kept falling in my face, and my usual elegant grace that came with being a stripper had surely faded. I fell at one point, right in front of the door, and a woman in silver camouflage helped me up. "Thanks." I said. "Sorry for wasting your time." "No problem." She said, eyeing me up. Her eyes caught on my contract and darkened in distaste. "Have a nice night," She said. "You... you too." I saluted her, because it felt like the right thing to do.

When I walked in the building, I was greeted by the same hostess as before. "Card?" She asked. I lifted my contract. The hostess's eyes glinted. "I see." She hummed to herself, grabbing a menu. "Follow me," She smirked.

"So, he's taken a liking to you?" She asked. I shrugged. "I guess so, yeah." "How do you feel about that?" "Honored. Desired. Beautiful." I answered in complete truth. I hadn't really thought about that before, but this woman really knew how to get the truth out of me.

"As most of them do," The Hostess shook her head, the ghost of a smile whisking across her space. "What do you mean?" I asked indignantly. The Hostess refused to answer, apparently. "What's your name?" I asked. "Call me Silver, and by the way, I work for your new master. Most of the staff here does or did... in some way." The Hostess waved her hand up and down, as if to make the point.


Oh, right.

"Yes, my new master." Something in me was terrified at calling him that, something else elated and proud. When one side was sick with disgust and fear, the other was sick with love and lust. Silver must have seen the look on my face, because she chuckled. "Don't worry, little one. Soon enough, your time will come."

She opened the door to Biggie Cheese's private golden room, where the rat king himself sat on an actual golden throne.

"Your new pet, my lord." Silver bowed. Biggie looked over to her with satisfaction and waved her off.

"Hello, Biggie, how are you?" I asked. Biggie cheese reached out a hand and... smacked me on the ass. Hard. "I have received word you signed the contract. You have, yes?" He asked. "Y-yes." I stuttered. "You will only call me master or daddy from now on." He growled, snatching the contract from my hands.

"P-Please," I whimpered. Master Cheese sneered at me. "What? I am only doing what you signed up for. You can break free of the contract at any time."

I was tempted, but I knew it was an ill advised decision. I knew I would regret it if I left my new Master. "I - I... I wouldn't do that to you, Master." I bowed. "I knew you would be a good little kitten for daddy." Master Cheese sat back, satisfied. I nodded eagerly. "Yes, Master."

"Now, kitten, let us go over your contract. Come, sit across from your Master. This may be the only chance you get at meeting my eye." He cackled, beckoning me forward.

Oh, God, what had I gotten myself into?

A Date with Mr. Boombastic || Biggie Cheese x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now