First Day

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tagging massivesimplmao and 


It was new to me all over again. I thought my days of being awkward and clumsy were over, but nope, apparently not. 

I headed out to the great hall with some of the other girls, but was ushered back into my quarters by a guard. "You are not allowed to interact with the others, His Ratjesty has warned us against it." She said. 

I felt my face contort into a confused expression. I tried to striaghten it out but it obviously didn't work. "It's because he wants to keep you pure, for just a little while longer at least. He does this with all of his new escorts. You are allowed a phone call to an outsider, however." The guard explained. "Only one?" I asked. The guard shrugged. "If someone is demanding to hear from you, then they call us. You get once call by your own choice right now. You can ask his Greatness for more in time." 

She pushed me back into the room of Cells, where I walked back to my own, past all of the crazies. One girl slammed into the glass wall that faced me - the one I'd seen screaming about the sisterhood yesterday. 

"Are you Dondavion's?" She asked. I looked around, wondering if she was looking at me. "New girl! Yes, you!" The blonde girl affirmed. 

"I - No?" I squeaked out. This girl seemed kind of crazy yesterday, so I didn't want to push her. 

"Oh." She muttered. "Well, if you see him, tell him I love the sisterhood but I want to leave." Her eyes widened and she slapped her neck like a bug had bitten her before slumping to the ground. A door in the back of her room opened and a worker in white, wearing a shawl that obscured her face, gently picked the unconscious girl up and carried her back through the doors.

That was unsettling.

I looked around at the girls in the cells across the hall. They didn't seem fazed. Maybe this was just something I should get used to. 

I remembered Phoebe saying something about the baths, and wondered how they were different from the small half bath attached to my room. Could I go in there even if I wasn't allowed to socialize?

"(y/n) (l/n), what are you doing outside of your cell?" Blared the voice of our one and only master, coming from some sort of intercom. I felt my face go red, and some of the girls laughed at me. 

"Sorry, I'll just -" 

"Sorry, what?"  The intercom demanded.

"Sorry, Daddy." I quickly corrected, feeling my face heat up even more.

When Master Cheese responded, his voice had a subtle growl to it. "Good Kitten," He purred. Two guards suddenly grabbed either of my arms and marched me all the way to my room. I felt embarrassed the whole way, paraded in front of everyone who laughed at my new-girl mistakes.

So much for a first day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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