Ann Marie and a Green Eyed Boy

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Chapter 4 - Ann Marie and a Green Eyed Boy

"So, do you understand?" Ann Marie asks, glancing up at me.

I squint at the page trying to make sense of the meaningless lines. "No." I respond defeatedly. I feel kind of bad. This is the third time she has explained the lesson to me. All three times it's just words going in one ear and out the other.

I groan and put my head onto the table. "I'll never understand this. It's all just jumbles of random words." I explain voicing my thoughts.

Ann Marie pats my head, "It's alright. This is one of the harder lessons. I don't expect you to understand everything perfectly the moment the words come out of my mouth." She sympathetically pats me on the shoulder. "How about we take a five minute break then come back?"

I think for a moment. "Sure."

"Okay. Get something to eat and step away from the lesson for a bit. Give your brain a break." She shoos me off.

Chuckling under my breath I make my way to the staff room. Quickly using the bathroom I stare at my reflection once again.

I tug at one of my wavy strands. My hair looks less greasy. Still a little bit of frizz. The corners of my mouth are lifted slightly. The bag under my eyes have slightly vanished. I guess it's better than getting worse. I'm still frail but. . .I have a little more meat on my bones. Thanks to Ann Marie.


Walking into the cafe I sit down in the corner booth. Waiting for my Saturday lesson. I begin to watch as people come and go. Big smiles on their face as they laugh with each other.

Eventually, the bell above the door rings. Ann Marie enters the cafe holding a few fat tote bags.

Shuffling over to where I'm sitting she drops the bags onto the table with a loud 'BANG!'

"Hi Sweetheart! How are you? Good, I hope." She begins to take notebooks and papers out of her bags.

When she finally looks up, surprise is clear in her eyes. "Oh my! Are you eating? Why are you so skinny? Not that being skinny isn't a bad thing but I can see your bones! Did you eat yet? I'll be right back. You need to eat? What would you like? Oh, nevermind! I'll just order the whole menu." She rushes away. Leaving me to process the words that came out of her mouth.

For an older lady she can talk crazy fast, too fast. I love it. She cares and is always there for me. She is the mother figure in my life.

Ann Marie comes back to the table, her arms full of paper bags. Dropping them in front of me, "Hurry and eat! You need food before you pass out. Eat it all please darling!" She sits down across from me and stares at me. Waiting for me to eat. She props her head up with her palm.

Squirming in my seat a bit I grab a random bag and open it. Finding a small breakfast sandwich I quickly take a bite. The flavors explode in my mouth. Moaning I quickly scarf it down.

Quickly eating up everything displayed in front of me.


As the memory ends a smile finds itself on my face. A real genuine smile.

Washing my hands I make my way out of the bathroom and back to the front. Seeing Ann Marie reading in the booth is somewhat comforting.

Smiling at the sight I make my way over ready to finally finish this lesson.


Hugging Ann Marie goodbye, I watch as the cab pulls away from the curb and heads to the first stoplight.

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