Pitch black- Purpled angst

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Remember all relationships in this story are platonic. I will tell you if other wise but for now all platonic.
Just friends.
I'm sitting in the bathroom.

It's pitch black the only sound coming from the shower.

The showers going but I'm not in it.
My parents think I am.

It's completely black.
This usually would horrify me but I just don't think I can feel enough for that.

I just threw up all my dinner.

Is become often I'm in this position, just sitting on the bathroom counter all the lights out, not even recognizing the tears streaming done my face,
Or my reflections in the mirror.

I just wanted to lose weight I never wanted it to be like this.

It's amazing how much a small thing can effect you.

At first it was just making myself throw up to lose two pounds.

The my weight dropped more, the my mental health.

It feels like everyone's noticed but know one actually has.
I'm telling myself that to make me feel like they care.

It's clear they don't but I don't want it to be true.

I'm pushing everyone away slowly, first my school friends, then my family, now the only people I have somewhat of I relationship with are online friends.

I want to just be alone all the time.

No more destructions, no more fame.

Just me and my thoughts alone.

Just to simply never be heard.

Oh the thoughts of running away, to be so free to do and be whoever I want completely free from any judgement.

No one cares about me,
My parents are to caught up in themselves, my friends are here for the clout, everyone else went away without a fight why can't they?

Why can't I just be alone.




Always the worst times with them.

I didn't want to move but I still went to get to my pc after shutting the shower off.

"Hey Hannah"
Is all I could get out with a sigh at the end.

Why does she always sound like there's a problem.
"What's wrong?"
Can she never get the hint I don't want to talk.
Nothing against her personally just in general.
"I'm fine"
She wasn't buying it at all.
"Purpled your cameras on, what's wrong?"

"You don't have to lie I'm here for you."
Hannah was honestly such a sweet girl and an amazing friend.
It took me a moment to collect my thoughts.
"I don't know anymore."
I genuinely wasn't sure on what do say anymore I'd Resighted this conversation in my head a million times just out of fear of it happening but when it happens I'm stuck.

I put my arms up slightly and put my head in between them and lied my head on my desk.

Of course there's what I always forget about.
I hung up as fast at a could lucky enough to not here her say anything and just sat there.

Blank expression on my face and there a new, if wasn't just a small thing,
I had a problem.
Vent chapter.
Okay so i'm actually really liking this short story looking back on it i kinda want to make it its own story or throw it into the one i'm writing now and change the names 🤭
495 words

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