Book suggestions

15 1 0

Ello fellas
Ive got a knew book coming out probably not anytime seen but i've been working on it for like a year at this point and i'm not even a tenth of the way done.
Any suggestions on what you'd like to see are welcome here either in the comments of this post or my dm's.
I did something similar to this in on of my other books and i guess i wrote a chapter similar to something somebody had suggested and got all pissy that i didn't give them credit and got my book taken down so cause that persons a little bitch i'm not given any sort of credit anymore, i spent so much time on all my books and i'm not letting some insecure bastard take that away from me again ☺️
It was my chapter i wrote on my own with absolutely no help from other books or even suggestions and they didn't listen when i told them that so i'm not even going to offer it anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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