Chapter 1: Staring

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PLEASE READ: The timeline of the movie has been altered. Dre moved to China when he, Meiying, and Cheng's gang are all entering the tenth grade (15 to 16 years old), otherwise known as the first year of high school in China. I think this is a more realistic age for the things that happen in the movie, plus it works out with the stuff I've got in mind

I'm only saying this once: Bold is English

This is a Cheng X Reader fanfic

Y/n: Your name

L/n: last name

H/c: Hair color

E/c: Eye color

N/n: Nickname

~First Person P.O.V~

"Cheng, I know Meiying is really smart and all, but I don't think you'll find the answers to our math homework by staring at her"

"Hmm," Cheng hummed distractedly, tearing his gaze from Meiying to look at me who was seated beside him. "You say something, Y/n?" At first glance, I almost seemed like any other fifteen-year-old girl in China with my long/or short H/c hair wound up in a loose bun/or down and E/c eyes. However, my eyes were neither friendly nor snobby, but rather mischievous; I was seated comfortably in my chair, but he could tell—even through my baggy sweatpants and t-shirt—that my body was lean and toned and probably stronger than those of half the boys attending Beijing High School. I was glowering at him, eyes narrowed in annoyance

"Either go and ask her out right now or stop ogling at her and do your homework like you're supposed to," I said as Cheng bristled

"Who said I was ogling at her?"

"Cheng's ogling at Meiying again?" Asked a quiet-looking boy as he approached our table just in time to hear the last snippet of our conversation

"I was not!" Cheng protested, scowling.

"You can't even deny it anymore," I snapped back, rolling my eyes. I moved out of my seat, gathering my stuff. "Here, Liang, you can sit here" Before either of them could question my actions, I moved around the library table and seated myself across from Cheng, blocking off Meiying from his view. I looked at Cheng quite satisfied as I picked up my pencil again

"Now, every time I notice you trying to look around me to stare at Meiying, I'll kick you. Now get back to work." I said

"Fine, fine," Cheng sighed, picking up his own pencil. "Not like I was staring in the first place"

"Don't start," Liang said as we exchanging exasperated looks. Opening one of his own books, Liang glanced at me and Cheng curiously. "How much homework did you guys finish?"

"A lot more than Cheng did," I replied, shooting daggers from my eyes at my best friend. My foot shot out, making contact with Cheng's shin "Hey, eyes on your paper"

"Cheng, you know the agreement we have with our parents!" Liang sighed, ignoring Cheng's sharp inhale from the pain of my kick "All homework must be completed if we want to have sleepovers. If you don't finish, you'll miss the movie marathon at my house tonight!"

"I've been telling him that," I whined softly "He won't listen!"

"Guys!" Cheng snapped, a little too loudly. Several people hissed at us, but upon recognizing us, most quickly turned away, suddenly nervous. Cheng lowered his voice, "Yelling at me isn't helping me concentrate on math. If you really want me to finish, you'd help. Someone want to do my English homework for me?" Rolling his eyes, Liang sighed and closed his book, setting it aside.

"Fine, hand it over"

"Thanks, buddy," Cheng said in relief, sliding a folder towards Liang. Suddenly, something caught his eye and he found himself leaning slightly to the side. A sharp pain shot through his shin again.

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